Saturday, May 12, 2012

another bunga bakawali

I realised that we are keeping two different types of pokok bakawali. The earlier one has softer leaves, quite flexible that one can almost roll and  fold the leaves .. The other one has stiffer and tough leaves.

The first variety we had been keeping which had been propogated to more than 10 new plants, originally was a gift from my younger sister Rosiah. She stayed in Pantai Remis Perak.  The blooming stage of this plant had been featured twice here (Bunga Bakawali Blooming, the stages.  January 17, 2011) and
and here  ( Bunga Bakawali Epiphyllum oxypetalum April 30, 2012).

The second variety was given by Fiza, Kakdah's friend during Tanah Merah days. The plant had bloomed twice before but always during our absence. I was around for the third blooming and surprisingly three bloomed simultaneously.  Kakdah was away on Cambodia Peace Mission  for 4 days. There's no fun doing time lapse shooting alone, therefore I just took a couple of shots through various angles. It was Thursday 10th of May 2012.

bunga bakawali

bunga bakawali

bunga bakawali

bunga bakawali

bunga bakawali

bunga bakawali

bunga bakawali

bunga bakawali

bunga bakawali

bunga bakawali: 

10th may 2012 bunga bakawali: THE SECOND VARIETY, thin and long petals 
and with spiky look.

30th april 2012 bunga bakawali: THE FIRST VARIETY, very compact, 
nicely layered.

Of the two variety, the first is more pleasant to look at and the aroma is fantastic. The second is a bit skeletal and longish, lacking on fragrance. The experts would know the name of each, but I wouldn't, it's all bakawali first and second type to me, A blogger friend CBSR had booked bakawali seedlings for her new Bangi House, and I didn't tell her about 40 bakawali seedlings at our backyard.  Kakdah is just back from Cambodia Peace Mission trip, and today is her birthday!

    bangchik and kakdah    
    pasir gudang  johor   


  1. Happy Birthday Kakdah,

    (org KK)

  2. Happy Birthday Kak Dah..May Allah bless you always..:)

    ps://sejak saya start mengajar subjek Sains untuk tuisyen,terjumpa blog ni dan terus jatuh cinta..eceh..hehe..tapi memang sangat menarik cara penyampaian entri2 dalam ni..Senang difahami...Saya dah mula suka tumbuh tumbuhan...:)

    1. Terima kasih Embun Melati, Kakdah ucapkan terima kasih.
      Kalau blog ini membantu sdri dengan hal-hal gardening, saya rasa gembira. Lagipun tujuan blog ini selain rekod/catatan gardening yang kami iaitu saya dan kakdah, ia juga untuk rujukan orang lain di alam maya.

  3. Happy Belated Birthday Kakdah!
    40 bakawali seedlings? Wow!
    Kakdah must be very happy to see this pictures!

    1. Kakdah says "thank you", she is not telling her age, but you may guess knowing she already has 3 grandchildren. she definitely isn't 35 year old.
      The sudden interest into bakawali is due to the sad episode with a blogger friend. She was looking for 4 bakawali flowers as herbal traditional treatment for her sick brother. Her brother passed away before we manage to collect 4 flowers.

      That's the reason for 40 seedlings.

    2. Salam saya nak beli each type boleh? Please email me at thanks
