Monday, June 11, 2012

Compost pile to grow things

Not much of a compost heap. I kept adding leaves,  grass cuttings, dead plants, large palm leaves, old soil from pots, top soil  and sand to get to that height. Kangkong as one of the compost material, survived and emerged out of the compost heap. No need for fetiliser, they feed on the reservoir of good natural food, COMPOST HEAP. Kangkong  grown in the normal way, don't look half healthy!

It is quite practical to start off a vegetable bed by piling up organic material to a reasonable height with additional sand and soil. Once the heap look dark brown, with everything almost decomposed, the site can be further ploughed into a good vegetable bed. 

How Compost Works Good compost makes plants resilient. Compost matures into what soil scientists call active organic matter, a dark, flaky soil, that's rich with micro-organisms and earthworms, as well as the useful waste these life-forms release. Adding compost to garden soil increases its water-holding capacity, and provides wonderful plant nutrients. Compost also contains matter that helps plants react well to challenges from insects and disease.

Kangkong seems happy feeding on compost heap

........... b a n g c h i k      a n d      k a k d a h ..........
j o h o r


  1. oh...nampak sihat kangkung tu....boleh petik, celur dan mkn cicah sambal...yummy...

    1. UmmiRosma..... memang sihat. Kakdah ada teknik celur yang menarik; masak air sampai mendidih, tutup api, masuk kangkong, tutup periuk, biar begitu untuk beberapa waktu. Kangkong kekal hijau tetapi lembut untuk dimakan.

  2. best nya kangkong tu... tak bela sangat pun gemuk... dpt banyak baja la katakan... ;p

    1. ejaMaria... kangkong dapat baja kompos, secara natural.

  3. Sihat dan gemuk kangkongnya :-) by the way, roughly how long does it take for the buried organic matter to decompose before we can start sowing/planting?

    1. Mama Pongkey.... from observation, within 6 months decomposition will be complete. Weather that is rain/sunshine etc is quite a factor. I seldom wait for full decomposition, mostly used for mulching or ground cover.

  4. wahh sihat dan gemuk kangkong bangchik dan kakdah.jeles ni.time paling best ialah masa petik tu.

    1. hijaudaun... Kakdah nampak sayang kangkongnya, dia petik dengan gunting, bukan rentap gitu je...

  5. That's healthy looking kangkung! Mine I have to fertilize them to get a good harvest! ;)

    1. The first kangkong is tru seeds, now no more..., any stem will do for the new shoot and root to kick off.

  6. I have a little compost heap in the corner of the garden but have actually started to plant round the edges.

  7. Sunil...... It is good to grow plants we need around compost heap. Otherwise weeds will flood the place.

  8. They grow wildly in our backyard. Im benefiting from them.

    1. Some plants love to grow even without attention. Kangkong is one...
