Friday, June 22, 2012

Terung / brinjal / eggplant very skinny.

Terung or brinjal / eggplant / aubergine is another plant I keep growing.  The plant may look skinny but it keeps producing fruits. For the two of us, having brinjal for lunch once a week is enough. There are two brinjal plants growing right now.

terung / brinjal / eggplant
This isn't the first eggplant we grow over the many years, and I always notice that eggplants seldom look green and healthy, especially the leaves.

Terung dipotong

brinjal sliced.

As long as brinjals end up on the chopping board, 
it doesn't matter much if they come from skinny or lush plants.

bangchik and kakdah


  1. But there is always producing..congratulation.. I stiil fail even to germinate.. Sigh... Is there any tutorial how to plant brinjal...

    1. Germinating brinjal is almost like chili and tomato. I prefer to germinate them in little pots, and wait until the seedlings get a little bit stronger before putting them in the garden.

    2. betul jugak tu, mula-mula saya pun tabur je atas tanah, tapi sekarang ni semai dalam bekas dulu lebih baik.

    3. mat jon...... kalau biji benih ada sikit saja, sayang nak semai cara tabur..

  2. Added u to my site!

  3. You are so fortunate to be able to grow aubergines outside. I love your philosophy about the brinjals ending up on the chopping board - I shall apply that to my French Bean plants which are looking a little shocked by the lack of sunshine here! I just hope they crop as well as your aubergine plants have.

    1. Plants are grown outside except for little potted money plants kakdah put it the toilet....... I think gardeners are tolerable lots, accepting whatever is the outcome with vegetables.

  4. that's a beautiful matter how the plant looks!

    1. Theanne, thanks. yeap, for brinjals, we harvest fruits. Leafy egetables like kale, pak choi etc, the whole plants should look good!

  5. Very nice. Wish I had grown eggplant this year. I do like it, and especially after my French teacher made Zaalouk for us.

    1. Kim and Victoria..... we only grow two plants. I notice that on average one brinjal can picked per week. Not very productive, but enough for the two of us.

  6. I don't really care to eat eggplant, but I just love the way they look. And there are so many colors and shapes now, too. Someone in our community plot is growing a white and lilac striped variety. Can't wait to see that one. Glad you are getting a good harvest!

    1. JGH..... the fruits are colourful, in our case purple. Ours isn't a flower garden, but eggplants and other vegetables manage to put the whole garden quite colourful.
