Friday, July 27, 2012

Tumeric / Kunyit in polybags, multipurpose.

Being passionate about growing plants  bring me into having 10 large polybags of tumeric or kunyit. It's the portability, being able to shift as we like. At first the polibags of tumeric act as buffer zone to markisa or passion fruit base. I don't want weeds or grass to advance to the base. They are doing fine. Markisa is getting stronger, mature and fruiting, so the role of polibags is reduced.  The ground becomes cooler a little bit. Polybags thus become edgings to the vines.

Two bags are shifted to the other side, making full use of spare drip outlet.

tumeric in polybags as edging to passionfruit vines.
Old leaves just cut .
16th july 2012

TUMERIC IN POLYBAGS, leaves getting older
 6th of July 2012

two polibags of tumeric placed else where. with waterings system

bangchik and kakdah
pasir gudang johor


  1. saya tanam kunyit dan halia dalam polibeg juga. bagus idea letak bawah pokok untuk elak rumput naik. boleh letak bawah pokok bendi saya :D TQ

    1. Wani:... dalam polibeg boleh angkat2. Wani boleh bawak balik cuti raya hadiah ke mertua...

  2. markisa tu ada banyak syarat ke membelanya?... saya tanam dah lebih setahun - tak nak dia berbuah... daun pun tak banyak/rimbun... sedih nengok nya...

    1. ejaMaria:.... syarat untuk markisa sama dengan pokok lain... beri baja selalu. markisa pulak sering dahaga.

  3. Hi Bangchik, will that turmeric produce roots in that polybag? I guess Malaysians like Indians use turmeric a lot. I also buy the powder ones put in rice and I normally have Java rice this time. It somehow needs getting used to. By the way, i see some people even my friends spell turmeric in writing as tumeric without the "r", hahaha!

    1. Andrea:.... I am so used to the wrong spelling without extra r. Since you remind me, I may have to revert to the right TURMERIC......

  4. I love tumeric and use it to flavor meats, soups and many other dishes.

    1. Donna:... yes, the same here. fried chicken and fish with turmeric colourings.

  5. Your tumeric plants look healthy. I love to have one in my garden.

    1. eden:..... turmeric tubers will take sometimes to produce shoots. But once shoots are out, there is no stopping!

  6. Envy your tumeric plants... wish I can grow them here in Japan...

    1. Lrong:.... yeap, as much as I envy apple and plums growing well in your climate....

  7. Really fantastic info!! This plant can be put easily in poly bags because it can hold it properly and also plays an important role in growing. Using of polybags the ground becomes cooler a little bit. Keep up the good work.
