Tuesday, August 7, 2012

MARKISA passion fruit, ripening process

Ripening is a process in fruits that causes them to become more palatable. In general, a fruit becomes sweeter, less green, and softer as it ripens. Even though the acidity of fruit increases as it ripens, the higher acidity level does not make the fruit seem tarter, which can lead to the misunderstanding that the riper the fruit the sweeter. This is attributed to the Brix-Acid Ratio. (wikipedia)

Friday 3-8-2012 8am
passion fruit / markisa : morning of 3rd August 2012

Saturday 4-8-2012 8am
passion fruit / markisa: morning of 4th August 2012

Sunday 5-8-2012 8am
passion fruit / markisa: morning of 5th August 2012

Sunday 5-8-2012 6.30pm
passion fruit / markisa: afternoon of 5th August 2012

I finally plucked it early in the morning of Monday,  6th of August 2012. We are not going to consume it yet, but to let it complete it's ripening process on the table, to ensure seeds will attain maturity for better chances of germination.

bangchik and kakdah
pasir gudang Johor


  1. Geram tenguk..!!

    wardina @taiping

  2. I can almost taste the sweetness of that passion fruit.

  3. Wonderful! It didn't take long to ripen.

    1. Once the fruit decides to let go the green pigment, it becomes real reddish brown in three days!

  4. Will you share the cut of the fruit to show us the inside when ripe? I am fascinated with it!

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