Wednesday, October 3, 2012

stevia, sweetener not forgotten

A natural no calorie sweetener. Stevia is the answer for diabetics to have the old life back when coffee is so sweet and refreshing.

The other day Aina came and asked for stevia. She took one. I saw money and stevia changing hands while the two were talking. I never ask how much Kakdah charged, because the business side of our garden is in the hands of Kakdah. That's her freedom......

stevia,  at our pasir gudang garden

stevia, 100 polybags

The latest addition to our stevia is 100 seedlings, a different specie to what we had before. The leaves are rounder and bigger. They are in shade now until strong enough to bask under the hot sun! 

........... b a n g c h i k      a n d      k a k d a h ..........
j o h o r


  1. I am growing stevia. But I don't know what to do with it and it has sat wasted for quite some time!

    1. veggiegobbler:.... dry the leaves, break into smaller pieces, then put in a nice clear jar. Treat stevia as tea leaves when visitors come. A definite talking point of the day over a cup of stevia tea!!

  2. That's a lot of healthy looking stevia! If I nearby, I shall drop by to buy some too! ;)

    1. Malar.... do come, kakdah will offer you stevia tea!!

  3. I tried stevia a while back and it died off in the wet season, maybe you will post some more information about how it grows best so that I can try again.

    1. africanaussie:.... i may write something about it later. As with most plants, generally stevia require healthy environment: enough water, fertiliser and sunlight. A well drained soil will make stevia happy!

  4. Is stevia as sweet as in 'Equal' or any other artificial sweetener?

    1. Ash.... stevia is sweet, and the taste still linger after a few minutes...

  5. I just bought a stevia plant as well, from my local Pasar Tani. It is still in its polybag. I was thinking of planting it in the ground, or maybe in another pot. May I ask a couple of questions? Does it do well in shade or full-sun, and does it like a lot of water?

    1. Mama Pongkey:.... I have tried both conditions; in Tanah Merah Kelantan, it was full sunlight, over here in Johor a bit shaded. Stevia dont seem to mind. Stevia do drink water but I dont think they like to swim, so avoid water logged soil.

  6. salam, mcmana nak menggunakan stevia sebagai ganti gula

    1. Rasimah....... petik, kunyah pun boleh. Keringkan lebih baik sebab boleh simpan. Kalau nak bergaya sikit letak dalam botol jam yang clear. Boleh jadi bahan bualan bila ada tetamu datang berkunjung. Gunakan daun stevia kering macam daun teh untuk gantikan gula dalam minuman teh / kopi.

  7. How interesting! I hope the new variety of stevia grows well for you.

    1. I hope they will grow well and learn to live with our occasional absence....

  8. Small bits of content which are explained in details, helps me understand about it, Thanks.

    Stevia sweetener

  9. ada jual benih stevia

  10. nk tnye..polybag size ape 2 erk?

  11. Do I need to remove the Stevia flower?

    1. Somehow if flowers are removed, stevia plants will grow better soon after.
