Wednesday, November 7, 2012

cucumber in english, timun in malay.

The trellis is ready, six cucumber seedlings had come up to the fourth leaves. Everything seems set for another adventure with cucumber. The seeds were given last month by Azwar an old friend.

trellis for cucumber

Then we had to be away for two days, attending Yop's convocation in Bangi.  Losing seedlings at that stage is going to be heartbreaking, and to make it worse, our neighbour Syed had to be away too.  So we decided to temporarily put them in the bathroom. We were back on Sunday 4th November 2012, what a relief, they looked alright.

bangchik and kakdah
pasir gudang johor


  1. I can imagine the relief. Timun to me is rojak buah!

    This is oceangirl of kacang kelisa Bangchik :)

    1. I still grow kacang kelisa here..... kacang botol sounds very manly, kacang kelisa very feminine... ahaha. Yes, timun is about ulam, it's about a piece to complete nasi lemak, and definitely about rojak buah!!

  2. hopefully the seeds grow well..good luck.

  3. Glad your trip didn't have an affect on your seedlings.

    1. Yes, seedlings really are babies.... imagine babies without milk for two days....

  4. It is cucumber time over here in Sydney, Australia too. Mine have also just popped up and are starting to grow up their trellis.

    1. Ours will match their relatives over in Australia soon.... Lets see which climb higher and bloom faster!

  5. I let my cucumber plants roam around the ground, not on a trellis.
    -Ray (also known as the lazy gardener)

    1. I have tried with winged beans before... they were ok, except mowing grass was difficult.

  6. I'm glad they survived for you - we did well with cucumbers this year

  7. Weather is a bit awkward lately..., it rains every other day clearing all clouds, then the sun shoot steamy hot light through naked sky. I am still considering when to transplant.

  8. Hello, I wanted to pop by and say thanks for your comment on my blog. I can see now why your eyes were on Spring :-) I'm not a veggie grower but can fully understand the leaving of young plants at a crucial time especially when the seeds came from a friend. I'm glad they survived too. I love seeing plants grow skyward on structures so must pop back to see how your cucumbers get on. Wishing you a good weekend :-)

    1. shirl.... thank you, yes we do have hotter version of your spring!!

  9. what a relief - I look forward to seeing the photos of the grown up cucumbers.

    1. catmint.... i will post something after cucumber learn how to climb.

  10. I have such good luck growing cucumbers, I am spoiled! I have the last few in the greenhouse now even though it has been freezing each of the last three nights. I have grown them on the ground, but lately up a framework. It takes less room and they stay straight and unblemished on the fence. Good luck to you!

  11. Lucky! Do you ever have off season there or are you growing all year long?

    1. Off season would be end of year torrential rainy season!

  12. I received an email from Aerie-el recently:

    Dear Bangchik and Kakdah,

    I tried to leave a comment for your blog and after a few attempts, it didn't work. So I thought I would send you an email to let you know what my comment was, and maybe you can add it?

    "What a great idea to move your seedlings inside to protect them from the weather!"

    Best regards,


    1. Aerie-el.... so sorry for the difficulty. i suppose seedlings are babies..., so there is a need to be put extra care.
