Wednesday, October 8, 2014

An egg in the nest

The nest is very skeletal, nothing fancy about it, but it serves the purpose of holding an egg. It was one fine morning around 10 am, during recent Raya Haji in Sitiawan our hometown, that I saw a bird rushing out of a low bougainvillea tree. I peeped through and saw an egg in a nest.

an egg in the nest - pic1

Again the next day I checked who owned the egg. 

the mother bird checking my intrusion - pic2

looking straight ahead. -  pic3

the mother bird - pic 4

mother bird - pic5

mother bird - pic 6

I had to peep through branches to get clear shots. I guessed  the mother bird was about to lay another egg, because it didn't bother my intruding presence.  Who knows, the mother bird might just consider myself as another friendly visitor that would not take away it's precious egg.  I went round the tree to get shots from many angles. The bird behaved like a seasoned fashion model, very photogenic with eyes looking so aloof.

A brother in law had a peep too, and confirmed the bird had to be merbuk, a bird treasured by many for its beautiful melodious voice.  

___________bangchik and kakdah___________
my little vegetable garden



  1. Salam Bang Chik,

    When I was kid, I will always took the bird's eggs from the nest. I don't know, it was interesting to me as a kid. Nama pon budak-budak kan? Hahaha

    1. Dear Honey, Salam. I suppose it's alright to take bird's eggs from the nest for educational purposes, especially for kids.... haha. People had been taking eggs from bigger birds called hens for thousand of years..... :)

  2. That's really interesting experience! I use to see nest in my garden ....but the abandon one....not sure if baby was there or not...hahhaa

    1. It's good Malar if birds choose your garden for nesting. You must be the friendly host, posing no threat to their reproduction journey.... They will come back I am sure...

  3. Hello, I hope all is well in your part of the world :) Isn't it wonderful to witness these little peeks into nature? We are lucky they share their lives with us.

    1. Thanks Rosemary.... to keep enjoying little peeks into nature, we really have to play along with the rule of nature... ecosystem and sustainability.

  4. What a pretty little thing, and how lucky you are that it feels safe enough to nest in your garden. I love it when free-spirited wild critters choose to visit my garden or make it their temporary seasonal home.
    I have a bird nesting box which is used by blue tits every year. We also feed the birds which is always fun to watch.

    1. Sharing the same space, birds and us.... a bit of mutual respect will allow both to continue living happily...
