Thursday, October 16, 2014

close encounter with the BEES

We had the car parked beneath a mango tree with low branches. It's my habit to look around for something interesting. Nothing was interesting then, mango with leaves, low branches but no fruits. There were flowering plants around the central figure, mango tree.  We then went in Kakak's house, my eldest sister.

The next morning as we were about to leave, something at the branch caught my attention. It's a beehive. Like a brave man, I approached the low branch for a close shot.......... I never get close to a beehive before and that was the closest encounter ever. And that was a day old beehive.

beehive hanging low at mango branch - pic1

beehive, too low and close to be true. - pic2

___________bangchik and kakdah___________
my little vegetable garden


  1. Jarang tengok lebah buat sarang depan rumah

    1. Lebah depan rumah kelihatan macam "murah rezeki"..., tapi kena pesan ke budak2 jangan usik....

  2. beruntungnya lebah tu buat rumah dekat situ....

  3. Replies
    1. It should be fun having one right at the doorstep, but the danger is always there. We never know when bees feel threatened and start off a war... haha.

  4. Interesting dapat close-up.

    We have a big one like a size of a binturong on a rose apple tree but to high to take a closer look.

    1. Tukangkebun, it will be nice to share honey with bees, they dont consume a lot... haha.
