Monday, October 27, 2014

River Rhine going across.

It wasn't much of a holiday, it's actually WORK as the three of us and Alex the German guy went around Germany and Switzerland the past week. It's true as they say, flowers add colour in spring, leaves paint various shades of yellow and brown in autumn. It's River Rhine that attracted my attention as we moved along the river the first day and went up the viewing platform. Breathtaking is all I can say..

Rhein in German and Rhine in English, refer to a long river stretching from Swiss Alps to North Sea.

River Rhine 1

River Rhine 2

River Rhine 4

three beautiful houses at the top of the hill

Viewing platform - looking down

walkway to the top of viewing platform

Souvenirr Shop

Lovely colour of autumn

Autumn colour

Autumn colour as we were leaving 

___________bangchik and kakdah___________


  1. Salam Bang Chik & Kak Dah,

    Oh my! Oh my! I love the scenery.. So serene indeed! And I love the blue skies.. *falling in love*

    1. It's indeed very beautiful...., and similar beauty can be found here too MALAYSIA... :)

  2. Love the pictures, thanks! One of the (few) things I miss since moving to Florida. The changing leaves of autumn.

    1. Thanks, yes, autumn leaves in the land of 4 seasons are sweet...

  3. Subhanallah...autumn color sooo nice...

    1. ..... we enjoy wet and dry seasons here, equally beautiful.. :)

  4. Replies
    1. Malar, I wish I could stay there much longer to capture more.. haha

  5. i ve been there with my sisters, great trip.
