Thursday, November 27, 2014

Visiting MAHA 2014 ~ about Moringa oleifera

We visited MAHA 2014 last Sunday. It was just a short distance away from home.  MAHA stands for Malaysia Agriculture  Horticulture and Agrotourism Show which is organised once every two years.  Hall A, housed most of government agencies on agriculture. Most showcased their latest technology, products and support system. CFF booth attracted our attention. CFF means Crop For the Future.  The team from Semenyih highlighted three plants, Moringa oleifera, Petai Belalang and Bambara groundnuts.

In fact we had been discussing for the past week what to grow in our Seri Iskandar Home. Moringa oleifera or widely known locally as remunggai keep popping up in our discussion. I knew this plant since young, and I can still visualise an old remunggai tree near the open well (perigi) not far from our ancestral home in Sungai Batu, Pantai Remis Perak.  I remembered countless remunggai curry cooked by my late mother.  The tree there has gone .

So the young lady at the booth went on explaining about human's over dependence on rice and wheat. Remunggai can offer itself as alternative , more important as the world is experiencing global warming. And this plant Moringa oleifera is heat and draught tolerant..!! She said the research team is also researching on its potential for biomass and biodiesel production and for intercropping with oil palm and other food crops.

We departed with a lovely souvenir,  a little moringa plant in a very beautiful brown bag.  So moringa oleifera ( or remunggai) is definitely the first plant to be introduced in Seri Iskandar Home beside betik / papaya....

Souvenir - CFF little gift bag for moringa
MAHA 2014

Moringa seedling

moringa seedling

bangchik and kakdah
vegetable garden


  1. Replies
    1. Over here we mostly eat the long fruit, not the leaves....

  2. Salam,

    I was thinking to go there by this coming Saturday :) Banyak lagi ke pokok-pokok nye ye?

    1. pokok di MAHA tak akan habis-habis.... sewa lori bawak balik pokok, then it's worthwhile... :)

  3. hanya mampu tonton MAHA 2014 di kaca tv...:(
    suka dengan pokok munggai ni..daun nya sy selalu campur kan dalam telur dadar

    1. Tentu sedap telur dadar dgn sedikit daun moringa oleifera. Ada juga yang goreng daun moringa dengan kelapa parut, cili dan udang kering tumbuk.

  4. Saya keliru antara pokok moringa dgn pokok kelo.Adakah pokok yg sama?

    1. Moringa nama antarabangsa .... di Malaysia setengah sebut remunggai, setengah sebut kelo merujuk kepada pokok yang sama.

    2. Asalamualaikum Bangchick and kakdah....
      Alhamdullillah...Tahun 2015 ni baru sedar dan perasan tentang pokok moringa@kelo serta MAHA 2014...Boleh bagi alam no pembekal moringa .......Sya nak beli benih dan tanam dikebun sikit...wakden mahkota dewa...016 2816060

    3. Sekumpulan penyelidik dari University Nottingham Malaysia campus di Semenyih Selangor yang buat pameran tu. Saya tak jangka diaorg tumpu kepada jualan, lebih kepada penyelidikan... Cuba call tempat tu kalau2 diorg jual..
