Friday, January 9, 2015

Our sole moringa tree

Moringa or remunggai tree was the one plant that attracted my attention during the last MAHA expo November last year. The little seedling as giveaway by the CFF research team (CFF - Crop for the Future) had finally set foot (or rather root) at our garden in Seri Iskandar Perak. The little seedlings had really grown.

Moringa/ remunggai 27th November 2014

Moringa/remunggai January 2015

So our sole moringa young seedling has to grow and survive without us around. This tree is supposed to be versatile, able to grow in variety of soil condition and said to be draught tolerant.  I wonder if snails are sniffing around and just hope they would allow their new friend Moringa grow healthy and strong for years to come...

It was said moringa can grow up to 4 meters and can bear fruits within the first year (moringa - Michigan Technological University ) . Judging by the height it has achieved within a month in little pot, I can imagine it's height at the end of the year and  the menu carried down the generations, masak lemak and dalca with buah remunggai. I also used to see my late mother mixing up asin-asin and moringa leaves with food leftovers for the chickens. Moringa is definitely a truly useful plant.


bangchik and kakdah
seri iskandar garden


  1. This old fashion but has a lot of benefits is one of the 'most wanted' plant on my plant list to be grown on my garden. Here, this plant is usually grown by cutting as hedge.

  2. Wow! That's very nutritious plant! I had tried stem cutting but not a good outcome so far.....

  3. Kalau tanam sayur seperti salad ok ke kalau guna pot yg kecik? ad effect x kalau kita guna pot yg kecik je??

    1. Maaf lewat respon... boleh je tanam dalam pot kecik. Kami pernah tanam salad dalam pot, sederhana saiz.

  4. Hihi, I nak tanam pokok ini tapi macam mana I boleh dapat seedling pokok ni yea. Thank you.

    1. Kalau tinggal dekat putrajaya, jemput datang rumah ambil seedling. Ada lagi stock masih dalam polibeg.

  5. Kak, nak tanya sikit. Saya ada seeds yang saya beli dekat pasar untuk makan. Boleh tak saya guna seed tersebut untuk tanam?

  6. Kak, nak tanya sikit. Saya ada seeds yang saya beli dekat pasar untuk makan. Boleh tak saya guna seed tersebut untuk tanam?

  7. Hi ! Can advise where i can get the moringa seedling or seeds? I Nak Cuba tanam. Tq

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