Friday, January 15, 2016

Gardening at Presint 8 Putrajaya

We have been here since March 2015. Space for backyard gardening is quite big. When we came in it was fully turfed, without any large trees.  Gardening is more of "little by little", so we decided to start off with a few landmarks, like papaya, banana , cassava and moringa. The rest will fit in as time goes. There would be vegetables, flowering plants and new plants that i would like to try out...

Presint 8 backyard garden, viewed from Izwan's room

Backyard garden viewed from kitchen back door.

Update 15.1.2016 - sky is cloudy.

bangchik and kakdah
Bakyard Garden Presint 8


  1. Replies
    1. Endah Murniyati.... the present garden concept is lawn plus plants. Plants are clustered, some in circular form, and some in rows. There are quite a number of smaller plants underneath three banana plants, utilising the shade.

  2. The garden looks so productive! I can still remember how your previous Putrajaya garden look like!

    1. Malar... the view doesn't tell much, but there are many vegetables grown there. I use less fertiliser now because the approach is a bit different from previous putrajaya gardening. I am developing some kind of sustainability through cover crop, legumes, mulch etc... he he.

  3. Very nice garden you have got now! I love how it looks, banana trees and grasses.

    1. Nadezda... Grasses are , lemon grass, 3 variety of napier grass. They are regularly pruned as mulch. Matured napier canes can be used as stakes for smaller plants.

  4. Salam Bangchik and Kakdah.

    Many edible plants already in the backyard in less than a year.

    1. Wassalam... he he ... a mixture of weeds and edible plants.

  5. High quality and low cost, our selected fruit trees are a wonderful manner to save money while enjoying delicious fresh fruit. Other

  6. These barrels will be used to collect rainwater. By collecting rainwater you are conserving water resources instead of wasting it. Light dep greenhouse
