Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Early Mac 2009, sun is dimming, rain is drizzling, tomatoes are flowering

I am living in Putrajaya, the most modern living environment one could find in Malaysia. Alamanda is a stone throw away. Presint Diplomatik is on the other side. I used to tell friends and relatives as I was guiding them through handphones, "Have you hit the roundabout bujur yet?, if you come from Alamanda side, shoot through the roundabout and take the first left, ride up the slope, 12 oclock at the little roundabout and look at the house number on the left.

The season now is awkward. Days are gloomy, where the sun is always hidden by clouds. Rains are daily occurance for the past week. But today was hot, clearer sky and cloudy towards the end of the day. Just a drizzle at 8 pm, not enough even for the grass.

Tomatoes are about a foot high, six of them planted from seeds I collected from tomatoes bought at Mydin. The original tomato was of light red, thick and nice skin, very juicy and of about tennis ball size. I used six out of 10 seedlings. At the moment, there are sign of flowering coming out from all the six. I saw suckers squeezed between the main stem and the little branches. I think I will nib them tomorrow.

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