Sunday, April 5, 2009

Banana leaf wrapping the fish

It is not only for the fruits and flowers that we grew three banana plants. We had been using the leaves as wrappers on many occasions. I guess banana leaf is very natural and brings out the best of aroma! .. Kakdah did steam-grilled fish the other day .... A few photos here to share ....

daun pisang balut ikan

grounded chillies with coconut gratings

aluminium foil cant replace banana leaf,
not if flavour and aroma are what we are looking for...

prepared in granite mortar
or lesung batu in Bahasa Malaysia

tapioca shoots steamed or boiled as salad or ulam

Thats for lunch!
Kakdah giving the final touch,
before everyone swarm around the table!

I will show what we can do with other part of banana plants, for something useful and interesting, soon.....


  1. Hi vuejardin...

    Thanks for stopping by ... yea, its yummy, stinging hot with chillies, and leafy .... You do anything with banana leaf in your place?... or difficult to get banana leaf to start with... anyway, cheers! ~ bangchik

  2. I have seen this method on some cooking shows and it looks really good .. plus it is a green way to cook food !
    Thank you very much for the fav in Blotanical : )
    I appreciate it "EH!" I have to leave a little Canadian grammar behind here ? haha

  3. Thanks for a wonderful cooking lesson. This looks too delicious for words! And a big thanks for faving my blog on Blotanical. Alice

  4. GardenJoy4Me
    Alice Joyce,

    Thanks for dropping in here ... It was not my intention to highlight cooking in blotanical ... the focus is still on the uses of banana plants .. hahaha ... it was delicious! .. cheers ... ~ bangchik

  5. Healthy dish with fresh ulam, am waiting for the jantung pisang dish I think ..;)

  6. FJL... the banana plant is not flowering yet .. belum cukup umur agaknya ... cheers!

  7. KakDah,
    Did you fry or steam the fish wrapped in banana leaf? I like to give it a try as well. 8)
