Monday, April 13, 2009

Banding forest trail

Twenty of us from the office went off for a weekend retreat to Banding Island.... on a team building program, that includes jungle trail and explore race. It was fun and tiring at the same time. This island is not out at sea, in fact within a large man made fresh water lake.

Temenggor Hydro Electric Dam was completed in 1977 and within a year of completion, the entire valley was flooded, creating an 18,000 hectare pool of water measuring 80km long, 5km wide and a depth of 124 metres (at its deepest). The flooding created 80 islands and Banding is one of them.

So after a month being discharged from Putrajaya Hospital, I am back with some enthusiasm! and of course I cant jump and run yet.... but rowing on a raft was a relatively simple and soft activity which I think the new tissues around the stiches can handle and absorb. Haha...

A few photos here to share the thrills and excitement and the natural beauty.

jungle trail
Most trees are tagged for research purposes.
There is a large tree by the name Merbau (Intsia palembanica).
It requires 3 person to circle the trunk with hands spread out.
Some trees go beyond 200 feet high and one of them is
Sepetir licin (Sindora coriacea)..
It was cool and damp in this jungle.

It was one of the item in explore race.
I really enjoyed rafting as we sit
on the bamboo raft and push the way
with a little oar also made of bamboo.
What a thrill,
and forgetting for a moment
that the bottom of the lake
is 100 feet down! ....
Look!, we were practically sitting on water!!!

friends having great fun

Belum Rainforest Resort
We stayed here.....

The backyard
with keladi gajah, the biggest callocasia
or caladium around. ( am I right?)
One can sit
on the wooden chair and
view the lake..

and of course, shots I enjoyed most, on flowers.

There are hundreds of shots on this retreat ... and I think it would be best to post in the blog from time to time ... for my records and for others who had never been there to see.


  1. Wow. Looks like fun! Gorgeous scenery.

  2. Looks as though ya'll had a fantastic time!! Rafting looks fun!

  3. Hi Bangchik, Wa so fun! The jungle trail walk must have been a good exercise for everyone :-) One day, I would love to go there and see for myself the beauty of our tropical rain forest. Awesome right?

  4. Bangchik,
    I'm glad you're feeling well and I can't wait to see all the photos you took at the retreat! I added your blog to my blogroll so my friends can check them out, too!

  5. Wah what a weekend to have..surely you enjoyed your outings a lot. Never experience rafting but boating, I think rafting is more fun and the third picture looks like you all having a nice pose for the picture capturer haha..'Yam Seng for cheers :D

  6. >Kim and Victoria
    It was fun.... you are welcome to come to Malaysia to really experience the tropical attractions....

    But the raft is very narrow and slim ... just big enough to put our buttocks on.... very scarry in the beginning, but once the adrenalin is flowing, everything is FUN.

    Make an early booking because the place is heavily booked ... very laku one! ...

    I am getting better, thanks. Not 100% yet, but to walk through the trail and to push the bamboo oar were relatively easy. Thanks to your nice gesture in putting this blog in your blogroll..... I am honored.

    Thanks.... you should try river rafting in Kiulu .... somewhere near Tamparuli!!... cheers!!
