Monday, April 20, 2009

Bird's eye view!

So from where I work, everything on the ground is small. A bird's eye view is awkward but fantastic. I love to stand on the ground more, probably due to the gardening blood in me ... haha...

I took these photos from the office..... The landscape is interesting....

from another angle

Do you have bird's eye view at work place?


  1. The place I work has farm fields on 3 sides. There were houses being built across the street but that has stopped for now due to the economy.

  2. You look a long way down from your office.
    I work with people in their own homes, so I get to see their gardens, although the people are mostly elderly and don't do gardening anymore, such a shame.

  3. > Laura ... abandoned projects are everywhere... the view from my work place is primarily green and water! There is a golf course nearby, very much within sight.

    >jennifer... You are lucky to go round and see gardens.... In a way, gardens reflect the age of the gardeners... hmmm.. and I notice that your post on danged roses gathered 11 picks, congratulations... cheers!

    ~ bangchik

  4. Wow, how lucky to have such scenic view at your work place. It must be very calming to view those greens from time to time when you are tired and decide to take a short break from work. Lucky you, Bangchik!!

  5. No, ground floor where I work.
    Your view is lovely.

  6. >Princess, JC, Kim and Victoria... Beautiful sight from up there, but I love to be on the ground where dirt and worms are!!... haha...


    ~ bangchik

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