Monday, April 27, 2009

Wild weed roaming free

Passersby may wonder why we let wild weeds roaming free in our little vegetable garden. I love this cute plant because it just grow and grow with no second thought. It flowers very early within a week or two and it keeps flowering... It does self seeding, and now I can see little weeds all over........


  1. I read once that a weed is just an out-of-place flower. I think they are pretty too!

  2. I have thousands of weeds, should I sent some your way?

  3. I've considered making a special place in my garden for some of the "weeds" I too think they can be very pretty.

  4. Selamat Pagi Bangchik, Kakdah, these weed flowers are pretty :-) These two weeks has been very hot here... don't forget to water them also ok.

  5. Hi~~ Sorry I've been away so long. Your weed looks like Ageratum. A very cool plant indeed. I bet bees love it.

  6. Heather and cathy... say what we like about weeds, they just grow and bloom...... in a way they are pretty too.... and they never wilt or attacked by pest or diseases!!

    Sherri..... be careful weeds because their colonising instinct is unstoppable!!!

    stephanie.... Selamat Petang, we really feel the heat, I am sure the plants feel the same...yes watering is twice daily.

    Grace.... I have not seen bees hovering around these flowers yet... no nectar maybe..


  7. Who cares if people wonder. They're pretty, free and add a nice touch in the garden. I'd leave them myself but would pull some out when they get too competitive with the other garden residents. I have some wild thing make a home in my gardens and I appreciate their presence (up to a point)

  8. They're only weeds if WE think so!

  9. I would let it roam free as well - it is a lovely weed!

  10. > WiseAcre
    > Kim and Victoria
    > Melanie

    Yes, we just let them roam free to a point.... suiting our taste and perspective on what is tolerable.... But Kim put an interesting observation, They're only weeds if we think so!!


  11. I love weeds back then in my 'kampung' when I was still a kid. Me and my friends used to pluck various type of weeds in our neighborhood. We use them during our 'pondok-pondok' or 'masak-masak' session.

  12. Hello KakDah,
    Your photos of the weed are a bit fuzzy. Cant make out the leaves. But from the flowers, I think this is no weed... it is a medicinal! It is known as ageratum conyzoides L. Pls check this link and see if it is the same plant: (Sorry for the extra long URL!)
