Saturday, May 16, 2009

A pair of crows

Crows are here... regular visitors. Perched on top of lamp post.


  1. Wonderful photos. I have a fondness for crows. My father use to enjoy their company. He would often bring bread outside to feed them. Pretty soon they got to know him, and as soon as he stepped outside they would come over for a visit, hoping for a little something to eat.

  2. Bangchik and Kakdah,
    Didn't see your respond to the comment for a while, hope you are doing well, busy lately?

  3. > Liisa .... Animals will show that inclination... Treat them well, they slowly become tamed and soon your pets. I suppose treating people, animal and plants well, will lead to a bond... friendship!. I havent made any move yet with crows...

    > vuejardin .... you are quite observant, I am okey but a little bit tight with work and other things... But on the whole, life is still tolerable... haha... how about you?


    ~ bangchik


  4. great photos, i love the light and the silhouettes.

  5. > Catmint...,
    So many different kind of street lights here in Putrajaya.., This one is 10 metres away from our porch. Yes.., silhouettes are nice, giving meaning to shape rather than content... Thanks for the visit.

    ~ bangchik
