Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Our vegetables flowering a lot sooner.

We dont grow many..., Only 10 plants on the vegetable bed and a few more in clay pot. So they never miss from our scrutiny during morning and evening gardening chore, watering....

But when they start flowering, it suddenly become our focal point and the neighbours too. Nobody else grow vegetable as a no ending adventure in the neighborhood except this "my little vegetable garden".

So our sawi or choy sum or Brassica chinensis var. oleifere is definitely flowering.... yellow little blooms.... A couple of days ago, Kakdah took one plant for her fried meehoon...


  1. Neat! So you use this to cook with? Interesting

  2. I'd love to taste Kakdah's cooking. Could you post some to me, haha. You need to get your neighbours into gardening, they are missing out on so much fun! x

  3. Bangchik & Kakdah, you have great pictures of vegetable flowers. I love to eat sawi with flowers attached. The yellow and green colour will look nice on a plate of stir fried sawi. Yes, I'm going to eat sawi with wonton noodles for breakfast today.Cheers!

  4. I have been leaving some of my veggies to go to flower and seed this year. The brassicas particularly have wonderful yellow flowers that the pollinating insects adore! I hope yours have been doing the same.

  5. Teringat masa kecik, berebut dgn abang nak makan bunga sawi... :)

    Hope u don't mind me placing a link to your blog.

  6. > Dirt Princess
    > Joanne

    We basically use the green leaves to cook. It is alright to add the flowers....
    Brassica is interesting due to its zest towards life!!

    > Carrie..
    By all means, do fly here and taste Kakdah's cooking!!... Gardening is very much a hobby around here, you like it or you dont.... Gardening is such a pleasure to me... haha.

    ~ bangchik

  7. >Autumn Belle
    So your wantan noodles must be nice ... that reminds me of FJL's [Keningau blogger] question, whats the heaviest vegetable in the world.... TUTAN!!... sabah local delicacy. And the heaviest and most satisfying noodle in the world will have to be WANTAN!! = one tonne.

    I dont know when the pollinating come and do their pollinating chores. It must early part the day, right Matron?

    ~ bangchik

  8. > Synchronous
    We fight over almost anything with brothers and sisters, bunga sawi, udang, ikan, selimut, bantal, and the vintage spot to watch TV... haha.

    By all means.. place the link.

    ~ bangchik

  9. It looks pretty good. I love the yellow flowers.

  10. Home -grown veggies taste so good and the choy sum looks really succulent. I love to see them in my bowl of wantan soup :)

  11. >tina
    Thanks for the visit...., I dont know how long they will hang on..., before they dry up and have seeds....

    everybody seem to like WANTAN ... haha.

    ~ bangchik
