Thursday, June 11, 2009

They hang gracefully

They hang gracefully at Kaklong's plot, three pots in all. The little buds are nicely packed like pony tails. So beautiful and neat. I accidently nudged one, and the little buds just fell off like pearls ....

How would we describe the color.... creamy green?.


  1. I think that describes the color quite well!!

  2. Very descriptive! This plant is so interesting looking. Great pictures! -Jackie

  3. We call those Donkey Tail plants. Great looking. Wish I had one.

  4. > islandgardener ~ janet
    > Ellie Mae's Cottage ~ jackie
    > Laura
    > Kim and Victoria

    Thanks for the visit ... so people call these plants as donkey tail.

    ~ bangchik

  5. Nice photos, you can make a poster or calendar from the donkey tail images. They are so beautiful!

  6. I have it too, though I call it Burro's Tail... it breaks off and roots itself so easily! Wonderful photos.

  7. > vuejardin
    > Janet

    So now we have another name Burro's Tail, thanks Janet. To make posters, cropping work needs to be done with the images.... I just snap and snap.... haha

    ~ cheers


  8. I'm very fond of the burro tails, too. My sister has grown them on her balcony garden, and unfortunately the squirrels here like them too -- or should I say, they like them too much?

  9. > helen..

    So squirrels love burro tails the way snails come out at night looking for lovely marigolds...

    ~ bangchik

  10. Wow, what neat plants! Also, I love that picture of the pink zinnia.

  11. > graduallygreener

    Thanks .. most plants are neat and sweet, zinnia somehow sparkles with variety of shades... they are lovely.

    ~ bangchik
