Thursday, July 16, 2009

Roselles creamy flower!!

So Roselles finally let out their lovely creamy flowers. Only two flowers for now. They look very wet, because of morning drizzle... I took these photograph early in the morning around 7.30 am.
The flowers remain for some 12 hours. Before sunset, they folded up and dropped. Such a short stay ........

Eight of them.


  1. What a short bloom! But it's lovely!

  2. Sweet flowers and lovely red stems

  3. it looks like your having a wet time, we are too in ireland - and the cold has returned, 14C this morning :(

  4. Beautiful capture of the flower.

  5. Love the red centers and the red stems! So pretty.

  6. What a shame it's life is so short, but they are beautiful. Val

  7. I really love that deep red center contrast with the white petals.

  8. > Tatyana
    > Joanne
    > Barry
    > Colleen Wms
    > Janet
    > Valeri
    > JGH

    Cant beat what nature has in store for us... creamy flower with deep red in the middle. Alas, what a short stay, within a day the drop....

    Soon We will pick the little fruits and prepare ROSELLES DRINK!!... I am now imagining the color of the juice and drink. haha...
    ~ bangchik
