Monday, July 20, 2009

Too early at golf course, still misty.

I was away again, this time at Bandar Darulaman in Kedah. I stayed close to the golf course there, just for a night. While having breakfast at the clubhouse with a friend Kam, I snapped few photos here to show how mist and dew had created a beautiful component of the surroundings during the first part of the morning....

We miss this interesting element of mornings, most of the time .. mist and dew. We have to rush to work around the same time. We dont want to be late.


there was a cute little fountain.


  1. The last photo of the fountain looked like a head coming out from it fun.
    Nice to hear from you, I am just home from a tenting holiday for 10 days.

  2. It's amazing what we miss when we're rushing around, isn't it? We really should take the time to slow down once in a while and appreciate what is around us.

  3. > Maria Berg
    > Jo

    Welcome home Maria. You must have enjoyed the holiday. Ten days must be full of exitement. And share with us will you Maria?... A head coming out from the fountain?.. huh... I didn't see that... haha.

    Hi Jo, even during holidays, when we are supposed to let things loose a litle bit, unwind the tightness, slow things down a wee bit, view things at leisure..., we may just rush and rush, chase the plane, shout at the taxi, grumble at things... We spent money for the holiday and we came back tired.

    So lets slow things down a little bit, yea?
    ~ bangchik

  4. I love the cool and fresh morning air. It is so good to see the plants, leaves and flowers bath in dew. A great way to welcome the day.

  5. You were at Kedah, but you have not visited Penang. There are more wonder for you to take picture.

  6. > Autumn Belle
    > rainfield61

    Then I remembered the old days, when we had to walk a mile to the primary school. No rain, but by the time we reached school, the white shoes did look a little bit wet ... Yea Belle, we pushed through mist and dew!!

    Hi Rainnie.., we just stopped in Kedah and came back the next day. The next time I stop in Penang, I wont forget to capture the illusive beauty of Penang. They still put net under durian trees to stop durians from rolling down the hill?... haha.

    Have a nice Monday!!
    ~ bangchik

  7. Beautiful shots ;-) I do miss the morning mist. It is very refreshing to be able feel the misty air early in morning. Happy Monday Bangchik!

  8. > Stephanie

    Many many years ago, tapping rubber trees was done by our own people, Malaysians. It was done very early in the morning, with torchlight tied to the forehead.

    With the excessive use of foreign workers, now they are enjoying the beautiful component of mornings, i.e. mist and dew. Whereas we coil in bed!!... Aha...

    ~ bangchik

  9. What a peaceful setting. Love the mist rising as the sun comes up.

  10. > Janet

    Everything is waking up at that moment... fresh after a night rest. Mist and dew included.

    ~ bangchik
