Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Lamp posts against the sky

I try to portray lamp post beyond its intended function, giving out light at night. Daytime, they do have other function, putting breaks into the vast sky, adding forms to the skyline. Putrajaya is never short of artistry and creativity.

road heading towards Putrajaya International Conference Centre.

precint 2

precint 2

at Taman Pertanian

at Taman Pertanian

at Taman Pertanian

at the "Big Roundabout"

at the "Big Roundabout"

beside Parcel E

Precint 15
Near Taman Pertanian

close to Floria2009 site

close to Floria2009 site

close to Floria2009 site

There are more designs on lamp post in Putrajaya.
I will post them later.

How's lamp post in your place?


  1. I didnt notice one in Keningau or , except for banners, but in KK yes with animals like orang utan and plants months ago. But for now perhaps they have updated the designs *dah lama tak turun KK h1n1 fear lah tu*

  2. Thanks FJL for an early visit and comment. I agree about H1N1, forcing many to restrict their movements.... Do you wear mask or "topi keledar for double protection?... haha.
    Yes, lamp post has another function, to hold banners!

  3. Those are some very neat light poles! They should grow climbing flowers up and around them, would be a nice support and very pretty. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I do notice that we have many beautiful lamp post with different designs decorating our cities. Bangchik, I have a meme award for you. Please visit my post today to find out.

  5. Those lamp posts are so outstanding! I always watch them whenever I am in Putrajaya. Which one is nearest to your house?

  6. Yea, I don't know why city council people never resort to such climbing flowers on lamp post. JENN, that is definitely an idea worth considering.....

    Thanks BELLE for the meme award, Now I am thinking what to do next..., give me sometimes to come up with 7 points...haha.

    The lamp posts at the "big roundabout" is nearest to home, STEPH...


  7. Such beautiful lamp posts. They are very sculptural. I have not seen anything as lovely here in California.

  8. Very scuptural indeed REDSTUDIO..... Testing artistry and creativity to the limit, the result is endless.

  9. Art is everywhere you look and the city planners have added to it with these graceful light posts. How wonderful. We don't have anything more than wooden poles with a light on top... kind of a rural area.

  10. Our lampposts are quite boring compared to yours. Yours are definitely part of the overall picture! Val

  11. How's lamp post in your place? Quite boring, I'm afraid.

  12. I came across your blog and enjoy reading the post and looking at the pictures as well. I like the lamp close to Floria2009 site. thanks for sharing the post.

  13. What a pretty variety of lamp posts! Ours are pretty basic, nothing too fancy. I

  14. oooh those are neat! Lamp posts here are pretty boring...when we "revitalize" a new part of the city, they often add some "new" old-fashioned ones that are nice looking.

  15. Janet

    Thanks for the visit and comments. Putrajaya is a hub for artistry and creativity. There are more designs for lamp posts. I will definitely show them later...

