Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Germinating ulam raja

Germinating ulam raja direct on bed is easy, just loosen the dried flowers and spread on bed. Within 3 to 4 days, seedlings will appear. Recently I tried germinating ulam raja indoor in little pots instead of direct onto the bed, just to have a closer look..... The seeds were given by Kakdah's sister who lived in Tanjung Rambutan....

Currently, there are 13 plants growing at different locations in the garden. To wait for these ulam raja to flower and have seeds of their own will be a while longer. So these new babies will soon be big enough and definitely come in handy, the moment the existing plants decide to end..

Having ulam raja around is quite a help. because Kakdah can just nib a few shoots as something for visitors to take home... a very nice salad!

Ulam raja is said to have anti-fungal and anti-bacteria and treasured by locals as good for health and contains anti-aging properties or awet muda, and that it tones up blood circulation, strengthens the bones and promotes fresh breath.... It could just be true..., because Kakdah is young as ever!... haha.

all within a week.

The seedlings will soon be transferred on the desired location when the fourth leaf appear. But I place them at the front porch for a day or two first, to let them play with the wind, to condition and strengthen the leggy stems. Real life out there is not as rosy as in tiny pots.....

update: other name of ulam raja is Cosmos caudatus.


  1. Anti-aging properties? Send it our way please!

  2. Ditto Tatyana. Great information you've shared with this post.

  3. Ulam Raja, can't wait to see the actual plant. Must grow one in my garden for the good things you have shared. lol.

  4. Thanks for introducing another anti-aging good stuff.

  5. Hmm... very good method for germinating the seeds. TQ for sharing. Kakdah's secret is in this ulam raja... I would like to eat more!:-D

  6. Cannot wait to see this cosmos flower. i know its flower head is one of the prettiest. sadly this is not available nor known here in our climate.

  7. > Tatyana, Poetic, Rainnie, Vuejardine, Steph, Khabbab.

    Ulam raja germinates easily, at least that is a definite indication on its zest for life... Ulam raja is reported to have such properties, anti-fungal, anti-bacteria and anti-aging properties. Why not, give these plants a chance in our garden... The plants are hardy and fairly adaptable. No insects seems to bother ulam raja....

    Lets try.

  8. The secret is out. No wonder Kakdah look so young. I need ulam raja!

  9. Belle... In your quest, dont try making ulam raja your staple food!!... Hair may turn green... haha. What I mention is just tips or "petua awet muda". ~bangchik

  10. Wow.. I didn't know ulam raja can be propagated using seeds. Often times I only noticed them as greens and sold in wet markets.

    I wonder what they call it in common English name. (or do they have it?)

    1. Ulam Raja / Cosmos Caudatus Kunth / 帝皇乌蓝

  11. JAMES MISSIER.... Here is the name; Cosmos caudatus. I heard people have germinated with shoots with certain degree of success. Never try before, but seeding is as easy as a b c...

  12. Oh My Goodness!
    I didn't know ulam raja is Cosmos.
    I had collected these seeds here & there and never knew actually its a salad - edible plant!
    do let us know about the picture of the flower as there are many varieties of cosmos...which one..which one...hmmmm...

    1. I think cosmos has more than 5 varieties, only 2 that is edible (if not mistaken), the other edible one taste not as good as c. caudatus kunth. The other cosmos is yellow color.

  13. I just recently got introduced to this beautiful plant.
    Got my first bite on it end of last year and currently trying to have my own plant, thanks to a dear friend for giving me seeds.

    Indeed as mentioned in your post, it sprouted rather quickly.

    The beautiful pinkies flower very beautiful.
