Friday, September 25, 2009

Senduduk blooms attracting tebuan.

Senduduk remains my favorite flower. Very ordinary but nonetheless very special. Flowering seems to be non stop. This cousin of bee or hornet, known locally as tebuan paid our garden a visit. Tebuan can really sting when disturbed. Also known as Vespa Affinis.

I always like to do post on plants. But insects are very much part of the gardening world, therefore they do deserve a space in this blog, however  mean they may be... haha.

senduduk flower




credit: Redzlan blogspot
That's a typical tebuan's nest.

Yeop, our eldest son, was stung by a few of these while playing under a tree, on one late evening .  He was 4 years old then. He run and yelled!... We quickly took him to the nearest clinic and he was given a jab. He slept on the way home until the next morning....

I was lucky, never bitten by tebuan! 

and finally about BLOTANICAL AWARD 2009 [click here], how I wish to thank all blotanists. It is quite a surprise to see Bangchik and My Little Vegetable Garden appearing in 4 categories for the finals;
  • Best Vegetable Gardening Blog
  • Best Asian Blog
  • Newcomer Blog of the year
  • Blotanist of the year.
Have Fun everyone.

~bangchik and kakdah 
Putrajaya, Malaysia


  1. They don't look so bad one-at-a-time, but the nest is scary!

    Pretty flower!

  2. Congratulations for being a finalist in four categories! Good job you two! Cheers! Yey!

    The bee was nicely photographed, and the swarm looks nasty!

  3. Oh those look mean but you are right about them being part of the garden. They probably help with pollination too.

  4. Great post :)

    Congratulations for being a finalist in four categories!

  5. I had such a problem with wasps this year but I managed to get rid of the nests in the roof space.

  6. congratulations to you. I don't like the look of those bees. The senduduk flower is just beautiful.

  7. Congratulations Bangchik! You are a wonderful blogger and I always learn new things on your site.

  8. Congratulations Bangchik & Kakdah. I do enjoy your blogsite and also your wise "cracks" & comments :)

    I guess the bugs are loving your garden too.

    Now I want your camera! :)

  9. That looks like a very big hive of hornets to me. I would be very wary of walking anywhere near it. The bark of that tree looks so interesting, though.
    Congratulations on all your nominations! I really hope you'll win... you've got a fantastic blog and its amazing how it's captured everyone's interest.

  10. Oh yes, don't disturb this bee... it will definitely give a good jab!

    Congrats Bangchik and Kakdah on the being the finalist in those categories! Good luck.

  11. Those flowers are lovely! That tebuan looks very serious! Kim gets stung by wasps occasionally while filling our bird feeders.

    (I voted for you) :-]

  12. tebuans!!!! i have yet to find these in my area. Their nest is looking awesome.

    And congrats for the awards. You guys deserved it. And i wont be surprised if you guys win all the four cat. Best of luck!!!

  13. No wonder it's your favourite flower! It's beautiful! The shot of the tebuan nest is great!

    Congrats on your four nominations. Richly deserved. All the best!

  14. Ouch! Just looking at those hornets makes me sting-literally.

    Congrats on your Blotanical nominations. Four award categories is a great honor and I wish you luck.

  15. fierce looking bees eh!

    like you, my daughter got sting by a bee as well..just heard her screaming and running in the bathroom to put her thumb under running water.need to call a on-call medical service for advice....

  16. Just look at that flower. What a beautiful colour. Congratulations on the four nominations.

  17. Selamat Hari Raya to both of you!
    I sincerely think your blog deserve more than one award ;-), and thanks for leaving a comment.

  18. Bangchik, Congratulations once again. Having one or two tebuan in the garden is okay. But a nest? No thanks.

  19. The senduduk flower is just so delicate.

  20. The Senduduc flower is beautiful! And your pictures are great!

  21. Wow!! Congratulation to you as well.

  22. It is a strangely pretty wasp with its coloring. The do look scary all together at the nest though.
    Congratulations on the nominations.

  23. Hi everyone,

    One tebuan is harmless, an army is scary! Just like one bamboo is sweet, when it sets up a colony, bamboo is invasive...

    Thanks for your lovely comments and encouragements.

    The mood is still very much festive here.., HARI RAYA FESTIVAL!!.... Have a nice weekend everyone.

  24. Ho ho - to you they may look "ordinary" and "typical" but to us across the world, they're wonderful :)

  25. Sue.. haha, just like seeing snow flakes coming down from the sky, ordinary to you and troublesome at times, but definitely very special to us, especially to feel it first time!
    Thanks for the drop and comment, Sue.
