Wednesday, September 23, 2009

She said thank you..,

It was quite sometimes ago, that we received a mail from Sweden. A blotanist, Maria Berg mailed a nice necklace to acknowledge the correct answer she was looking for. A simple gesture that connects blotanists across the globe and continents.

It was about the answer I gave to her question. Delima (local name) or pomegranate !!. I wasn't an expert about plants, it just so happened that I had the experience of growing this particular plant before, and had enough knowledge to pinpoint its name. How can I forget pomegranate, its leaves, branches, shoots and fruits. Growing pomegranate had given us excellent juicy fruits many years ago...

Maria, all the way from Sweden was the title of my post on 27th of May 2009 to dedicate this particular Blotanical Friendship. I mentioned about giving the lovely necklace to Adlina, our first grandchild.

The recent festive season, gathered all of us in Perak. Kakdah put the necklace around Adlina's neck. The little girl said "thank you" and smiled.

Kakdah and Adlina

Adlina with the necklace
from auntie Maria Berg, Sweden

~Bangchik and kakdah
Putrajaya, Malaysia


  1. I would like to thank you for your comment :)

    Otherwise I would never met you. I found this blog very interesting and exciting, exotic too :)

    quu from Finland

  2. Very nice. I believe the necklace is made of Swedish freshwater pearls.

  3. I am so happy that I could make your grandchild happy - thank you for showing the smile on Adlinas face. I like her name my middle girls name is Evelina.

    The winged bean look very interesting, do you mind sending some seeds for me? I can look if i can send some other seeds for you.

    I am sorry the neckless is not made from Swedish freshwater pearls, sorry.

    Take care my friend and hope to meet you one day,
    Maria Berg

  4. Beautiful granddaughter and necklace! Thank you for your welcome on Blotanical.


    Thanks for your lovely comments. That little girl Adlina definitely has gone global by wearing auntie Maria Berg's gift. I don't think she has gone far enough to really be choosy about pearls or otherwise. Anything different, special and new will always warm little hearts. It will be quite sometime before she begin to be really very particular about things. But that element is beginning to shape her. She does have her favorite dress.. etc etc...

    Yea, the other day I saw one matured-almost-brown winged bean hidden behind the leaves. There would probably be more than one. It is good to do giveaways, because Blotanical goes along with that spirit; spanning the big wide world.

    To LITTLEWING AND QUU, thanks for the visits, make yourself at home and lets paint Blotanical to its true color; Supporting regional diversity and engaging gardening creativity.

    ~bangchik and kakdah
    Putrajaya, MALAYSIA

  6. What a lovely post.
    I am sorry to have been rather busy of late with Lyme Disease charity work and not had time to keep up with blogging hopefully I will be able to keep up now.

  7. You first grandchild is pretty and she looks radiant with the necklace. This is definitely a wonderful gift as it has travelled all the way from Sweden to Malaysia. I'm proud of you, Bangchik.

  8. What a gorgeous little girl! A very nice story, what fun it is to be part of the blogging world. I never know the answers to any plant questions so I'll never get a pretty necklace :( haha xx

  9. JOANNE.. Good to hear about you being busy with Lyme Disease Charity Work ... we really have so much energy, time and space to give for such novel work!!.. Keep up the good work Joanne.

    BELLE... I was quite nice looking too at that age... haha.., but time really mellow the radiance down.... haha.

    CARRIE... thanks, as gorgeous as any little girl of that age. If I ever do similar question kind of post, I will make sure to ask on plants you had grown in your own garden!!... Now that's a sure pretty necklace for you, carrie.. haha.


  10. All these wouldn't happen in the old days. Thanks to IT and blogosphere.

  11. Spot on RAINNIE... But the old days had other things to offer, equally good and exiting!. IT and blogosphere allows sharing to happen faster. Without going up the hill, I learn so much reading your blog. ~bangchik

  12. What a lovely post. A beautiful little girl and a beautiful necklace, and blogging has connected the two.

  13. Sweet post! Your granddaughter is adorable.

  14. Wonderful to read about this blogging connection! Your grand-daughter is lovely!


    Thanks for the visits and comments. It isn't grandfather or grandmother used between us. Tok Ayah (for me) and Opah (for Kakdah) are the equivalents, just for you to know. She is lovely indeed, and being far away, each meeting make the term "lovely" even lovelier... haha.

    Blogging really connects people, otherwise how would I know about seeing pictures 100 years back, if not for ROSEY!!

    ~bangchik and kakdah
    Putrajaya, MALAYSIA.

  16. Sweet. I love stuff like this; sharing across the world.

  17. Thanks KIM AND VICTORIA.... we really have to share... ~bangchik

  18. Beautiful! Love how the world is smaller and cozier because of blogging!

  19. JUNE... you are right and lets friendship thrives through Blotanical..

  20. It is indeed a small world after all.....and I'm so happy to be in it with fellow gardeners....:)

  21. Thanks ANNIE.... indeed, a very small world, not much bigger than a golf ball... as viewed from the moon. So Blotanical really pull every gardener closer.

  22. Congratulations for your well deserved, multiple Blotanical awards! Well done, and also a sincere thanks to you for your comments on my blog. I always appreciate them, and enjoy reading your blog in return. It's always wonderful to see gardens filled with completely new and interesting plants, and that's the main thing I value with Blotanical - the way it has put a whole world of gardeners in touch with each other.
