Sunday, September 27, 2009

Toying with coconut husks in the garden

coconut husks framing up the edges
of a vegetable bed.
That's sweet potato growing!

I seldom show the bigger view of my garden in this blog,
close-ups, ant's eye view most of the time.
You could probably guess some of the plants.. aha.
That's the pedestrian walkway,  many eyes turn and shoot  glances at our little vegetable garden,
and I just say hello to them, smile, talk a little bit and get back caring the garden with Kakdah. Huh,
I cant imagine what the passerby are really thinking as they walk past.... haha.

I always have problem maintaining the edges of vegetable bed. Heavy rain will wash the soil down, and there will always be a need to fluff the soil a little bit to get back to the original shape. I have been using coconut husks as edgings for certain plant but never for a real vegetable bed.

There are good points behind using these husks. It maintain the edges, will act as ground cover, reduce evaporation around the plant and make mowing grass a lot easier. Edging the vegetable bed with husks doesn't make it really beautiful, but definitely very earthy, a touch of ruralness and  and definitely tickle my nostalgic mood......

Have you tried these before?

~bangchik and kakdah
Putrajaya, Malaysia


  1. I'd love to have such edging in my garden! But there are no coconuts here. I've never seen sweet potatoes growing not in a container. They look much prettier than common potatoes. If I ever walk by your garden, I'd like to stop and talk to you!

  2. its a lovely garden, i can see why the passers by stopped and look at is so green, so lush, not to metion you grow your own vegetables is something to be envied upon..

    on the coconut husks, it makes a very useful garden edges, unique, stylish and a very homely touch!

  3. They really make an interesting border. I bet not too many people have one like it.

  4. The coconut husk edging is quite inspired...and pleasing to the eye...rustic and natural...yet with an artistic pattern...well done!

  5. If you can get your hands on them, coca-husks are one of the best mulches available. Once they get wet, they glue together and the fungus that grows in them protects the plants. Also they produce a odor that repels cats !!!!

  6. Clearly not one to waste anything what a good idea.

  7. Bangchik that looks like a very nice way to edge the garden. No one will be laughing. As coconuts are not available here, I do not have such a grand bed edging.

  8. But I can expect many tiny creatures hiding under these coconut husks, this was my experience.

    I found centipede, sometimes, scorpions as well.


  9. Bangchik, you garden is very neat and tidy. I think the coconut husk is a very good idea. It has the kampung feel.


    Thanks for the lovely and encouraging comments....

    Yea, It would probably be fun for those walking by, looking at me and kakdah, doing little things with gardening... as much as what we feel looking at them, their eyes especially.

    Coconut husks do make the vegetable bed really stands out. Enhancing its prominence.... like the edge of an old photo frame....

    Oh yea, many creatures live underneath the coconut husks. Centipede, millipede, slugs, snails, ants, frogs, crickets.... They are fairly friendly, in small numbers. Slugs and snails has to go when they start munching baby marigolds. Frog and crickets play nice music at night....

    Bricks, stones and timber could just provide the same purpose as edging. I have tried using banana stem as edgings, but has to be replaced quick, because the rate of decomposition is rather fast....

    Gardening offers a whole range of creative opportunity.... Really, no harm in trying...

    Cheers, Have Fun and Blog On!
    Putrajaya, MALAYSIA.

  11. The coconuts add a lovely look to the garden. I'm sure you do get many admiring glances as people walk past your garden.

  12. Your coconut edging is wonderful and interesting, you grow many plants that I am not familiar with here in Australia. I bet you have some wonderful fresh tasty meals.

  13. Unique and special border! How long does it take for a coconut husk to break down?

  14. Good idea Bangchik! The husks look nice too. I hope you have had a good and merry 'raya' celebration already. Tomorrow resume work? or you already did.

  15. What a lovely idea. I have seen some gardeners use the husk strips instead of the whole thing. I guess different gardeners have their own feel with their styles.
    It look like small little tortoise having a gettogether - cute.


    They are unique in urban areas. Where I grew up, these were common items. What's available in the nurseries now are the strips... To get the whole husk, we have to get down to the kampungs [villages] or plantations.

    In the old days, these husk were burnt to ward off mosquitoes and ashes used as fertilizers. Now husks fetch good price, and there are factories stripping down husks into mulch material or composts.

    It takes more than a year for coconut husks to fully decompose.

