Thursday, October 1, 2009

Chives drinking water?

chive flowers with an extremely long stalk
bent awkwardly after a gust of wind.

Thirsty.. huh!!


the pedestrian walkway

~bangchik and kakdah
Putrajaya, MALAYSIA


  1. looks like it just rain or someones watering the plants...but still from the looks of it that poor chive still needs more!!!

  2. Congratulations on your Blotanical win !!!

  3. It's a very long flower stalk. It looks top heavy.
    Congratulations on 'best vegetable gardening blog' win on blotanical.

  4. ....and 'best Asian blog' award, and 'blotanist of the year' award. Very well done!

  5. Very cute! Congrats on your Blotanical awards!

  6. clever chives, getting their own water to drink. x

  7. Congratulations on your awards.

  8. Bangchik and Kakdah, I am thinking of you guys. Hopefully you both are fine. It seems that the brunt of the earthquake hit Sumatra. (((HUGS)))

  9. Congrats on ALL of those awards;-)

  10. Congratulations are in order for you and this blog that is anything but a little vegetable garden! I appreciate the comments you leave on my blog, it really adds a lot to my blog. Thanks.

  11. I know our plants are thirsty. We need some rain. I suspect I'll be watering tomorrow after work.

  12. Bangchik, Congratulations! You just swept the Blotanical 'Academy' Awards. I think this stalk of chive flower is bowing with head down, saluting you Japanese style. Taniah!

  13. funny photo - yes, looks thirsty!

    Congrats on your wins! It's definitely nice to have your friendship!

  14. Congratulations on your awards! You definitely deserve it! Love the thirsty chive photo, very funny.

  15. Congrats Bangchik for winning your Blotanical 2009 awards academy style as described by Autumn Belle. I curtsy to you.

  16. Wow! You really swept the awards didnt you! :)
    Good for you! I'm so happy for you. You have an excellent blog which I enjoy coming over to read. Congratulations!

  17. Hearty congratulations on your Blotanical awards! I so enjoy your blog. What a joy it is visiting gardens around the world through Blotanical.

  18. Congratulations on your Blotanical awards! Those chives are clearly thirsty from all the hard work.

  19. Friends..., Thanks for your encouraging and lovely comments about chives and the Blotanical Awards 2009.

    I started this blog in March this year. nearly 6 months ago. My passion for gardening began much earlier than this blogging adventure. Blogging coincide with me having to rest after an operation. The interest grew....

    Blogging is all about sharing. We begin to feel the element of sharing when others come over, visit the blog and leave encouraging comments and tips about gardening. We share and we learn. Blotanical is such an interesting site, that it gathers the whole crowd of gardeners under one roof.

    Each one of us differs in the way we present the postings, the way we comments and the way we interact. Thats very much true about life in general.... how unique we are as individuals.

    Differences don't matter much, what's common is the enthusiasm and passion about gardening,plants, life and nature. We learn and live through the differences....

    Again, I appreciate having you friends and blotanists. I don't start off "my little vegetable garden" for the awards, but about the beauty of being able to share and learn about gardening in breadth and depth.

    Thanks everyone,
    Cheers, have Fun
    Putrajaya, Malaysia.

  20. Congrats on a very well deserved win.


  21. Interesting. Chive flowers need to bent their body for a drink.
    If they need a cup, they can have my cup mushroom.

  22. Congrats on your multiple wins. You are such a wonderful blogger and I'm so happy that you made Blotanist of the Year, one of the major Blotanist awards.

  23. Congratulations on all the honors...which you so richly deserve. Your garden is is your photography...and your imagination. Of course I think all gardeners have exceptional imaginations, one has to be able to "see" all those wonderful veggies in their garden when they put that tiny seed in the soil. A matter of faith and "seeing." Thank you for your blog...I've learned a lot from you in the short time I've been blogging and blog visiting.


    Thank you very much for your nice words about the awards. Even when I win, I think I win by one or two votes, so must so that I think even the runner ups are winners too. We are all winners, the blotanists of Stuart's Blotanical to keep the social elements functioning,by supporting, encouraging and sharing between all of us.

    About the chives, I guess the thirst must be real..... the bend is almost like a giraffe!!

