Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Cleaning up and ready for the next crop

 tapioca; strip down to the trunk.

chunks of banana cuttings; leaves and stems

the old winged beans has to go. All piled up.

A month and a half absence is quite long for a garden. We took out the electric mower and walked   thr ough the knee high grass and strip them down. Too many banana plants, therefore I cut off a few, chopped and piled them up. Tapioca plant got blown  by wind, and kissed the ground and that has to go as well. Winged beans getting too old, and I let it go.

Kakdah was busy herself with her hanging garden. Yeop, our eldest son forgot to water them throughout our absence, and you can imagine the state of the plants having to survive on water vapour and dew!!

We were discussing about the next crop taking into consideration crop rotation and the weather... huh, it is going to be tough playing and gardening when rain falls everyday!

~ bangchik
Putrajaya, Malaysia


  1. It is so interesting to see your pile for the compost... such exotic plants to my eyes. I hope it will not take long to get things back as you would like in your garden. It is hard to get away and trust that anyone else can truly care for our gardens. Your rains will keep you in much like our freezing cold! Best wishes, Carol

  2. Its rough trying to get the ground ready when its raining so much. Its snowing here again - so like me you're probably looking through seed catalogues.

  3. Now, I am wondering. Did your son notice the changes to the landscape while he was looking after your garden? On the positive side, your are no able to start some new projects for the new year.

  4. I know! It is tough gardening with so much rain nowadays and so little sunshine as well. And when it shines, it is super hot. Plants either over watered or scorched. I hope the weather will revert back to normal soon :-) Happy gardening!

  5. Merry Christmas my friend and a safe and happy new year!


    Thanks for the visit and comments. I seldom do compost the complete cycle. Once the vegetable bed is ready with new plants/veggies, the half done compost material will be used up as mulch or ground cover. And these material decompose as time goes not at the compost heap but on the bed itself.

    In a way, Rain is equivalent to Snow because scientifically they are H2O. It is the temperature that will decide what the H2O will be, rain or snow... haha.

    I am looking into the choices available for the next crop. We have good supply of seeds collected from the previous crop. Sunflower is a must... haha, the seeds are still fresh that I am sure they will emerge as healthy and cheerful looking plants.

    Belle, I dont think Yeop our son noticed changes in the garden, as he has been saying about watering only when its not raining. But rain falls everyday, so I dont think he ventured out into the garden so very often. Oh well, not just his cup of tea... haha.

    The weather is in a transition period now, from heavy rain to less rain. Soon it will be OK, for serious gardening work.

    Lastly Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone.


  7. You must need a few days to clean up the mesh.

    Happy Working, and you will have enough time, during the holiday.

  8. All so green whilst we are covered in snow and winter gloom.
