Thursday, December 31, 2009

The shade of purple.

 An eggplant

When the shade of purple is as such, we may want to think that the growth of the fruit is in definite and distinct phases. The fruit possibly does not grow in a a fluid, continuous and non stop manner..... That is the second fruit, the first has ended up in Kakdah's fish curry! The third is still small...

I am sure that is the true purple. Do you think so?

Putrajaya, Malaysia


  1. True purple.

    I love terung. I like it in every way, fried, in curry, in sambal. I wonder what kind is a terung plant. I imagine a fence crawler. Look forward to see more pictures of terung in your garden.

  2. Eggplants are so very beautiful, I love their colour and shape. In fact, I bought one, just a few hours ago.

  3. During school days, teachers says long one is call brinjal and short round ones, eggplant. Now my son's teacher says it is aubergine. In chinese language, the purple colour is 'ngai kua' meaning purple. I'm sure that terung is the true purple colour too. Mmmmh, now I am hungry for Kakdah's curry! Happy New Year 2010!

  4. I love that color. I would wear that color every day if I could. I wonder if the eggplant loves it too? Beautiful photos, as always.

  5. It is so beautiful. Purple is one of my favorite colors.

  6. I like how the colors of the eggplant are distinctly graded. Looks a bit like a knitting project if you blur your eyes a little.

    Christine in Alaska

  7. I have never noticed before how much an eggplant and a chrysalis look similiar!
    Cool purple!

  8. I'm not sure, but I love the stripes on your eggplant.
    I also love curry!

  9. I like terung especially with curry. It definintely has a nice purple colour ;-) Have a great countdown to the new year to you and Kakdah!

  10. >Ocean Girl
    >Rebecca @ In The Garden
    >Autumn Belle
    >Christine B.
    >Rosey Pollen
    >Kim and Victoria

    Purple is somewhat royal, and no wonder some of us really like that colour. Eggplant is not a climber..., but more like chili, standing upright with branches.... not too tall, about waist high.

    I am glad, some of you like curry... but I assume not as hot as what we are familiar with here... haha.

    Thanks Belle, mentioning about the different names of terung in English.

    Have fun everyone.... and lets start planning for 2010!!

  11. Loved the colors in the Eggplant. I like to use these in flower arrangements. Great photography.

  12. wow, this is one of those photos that just assures you that nature is cool. I love those zig zags!

  13. > cindee
    > wendy

    Thanks to the two of you..... talking about deep purple, nothing can beat the skin of an eggplant. Huh..., now cindee is talking about eggplant in flower arrangement, that's very original!!

    The zigzag of purple shades is natural Wendy.., not camera trick!... haha.

