Saturday, January 23, 2010

Chives flowering again....

Our chives are flowering again. They are sweet and beautiful. I am preparing a new vegetable growing plan, chives are included in it. This flower is taken of the potted chives, tucked between two pots of bamboo  at the front of the house.



  1. Are these garlic chives Bangchik? So lovely to view and tasty in salads. ;>)

  2. I have wild garlic chives growing all through my yard. This area is full of them...everytime my husband mows the lawn, he comes in smelling like them lol.

    Yours are much more beautifully contained :D

  3. Lovely macros. I haven't grown garlic chives before, only the standard kind, but this makes me want to try.

  4. Dear Bangchik, Chives rank among my favourite herbs. Not only do they make excellent garden plants but always look ornamental. I grow a white form of Allium schoenoprasum in a pot, whilst my friend T grows Allium giganteum to dramatic effect.

  5. Bangchik, this is such a lovely blossom. The chives we have in our garden have a purple flower somewhat like a miniature allium.

  6. So pretty, I've been warned that they spread like crazy, although I like chives and I'm not sure I'd consider that a problem.

  7. I love chives! Good luck with the new garden plan (I must really devise one for myself).

  8. I grow something similar that are garlic chives. Flat chive leaves with lovely white flowers. Great in salads!

  9. Wonderful pictures. our chives are still under snow. jim

  10. Chives do have such pretty little flowers. Ours look a little different, more purple, but I always leave them to flower.

  11. The flowers are pretty :-D But you don't eat them right?

  12. I tried growing some last year, but they didn't do very well. These are lovely. I may try again if only for the pretty flowers.

  13. Oh, what beautiful delicate flowers! Great shot, Bangchik! Those red bugs from your next post are kind of cute too! I hope they don't cause too much trouble.

  14. Great photos Bangchik. Such a delicate bloom.
