Monday, January 11, 2010

a rugged trail.




 Quite early in the morning, but too late for a snail to get home. I quickly grabbed the camera, to snap a few. I really didn't want to miss this. The trail  was fairly rugged for a snail, going through the grass, and there was a sudden change in the surface. A soft, wet green switched abruptly to a hard, dry concrete. The snail, recoiled for a short while, thinking either to go on or to get back. Huh..., it was quite focused on the journey. "I must get home..., and it isn't far"...

But I just wonder, why was the poor guy late in getting home....... Got lost, keptsearching and yet couldn't  get enough food or it overstayed for one more plate ..?  ... The snail is a regular visitor here. I don't know where it's home is... probably under the rocks or coconut husks. Snails are okey, but once they show slightest indication of their naughtiness by chewing marigold's shoot and young leafy veggies, I will get mad!

How's snail in your garden?

Putrajaya, Malaysia.


  1. We do not have such lovely snails... lovely is a stretch I know ... but the shell it carries is beautiful. We only have slugs and they are thugs! Eating everything in sight. I am ruthless in dealing with them. A gardener simple must be at times. I imagine they would be good to eat as they are only made of plant... but unless starvation were a risk I would not be tempted to consume one. Though I have enjoyed escargot in France and Spain, these are quite different in texture I would think. Slimy buggers! I am not a violent person but in one afternoon they can wipe out a plant. Terrific photos Bangchik and it is sweet how you regard you guest (until he feasts upon your plants) ... may his intelligence guide him to plants you do not favor!

  2. Our snails are all naked! They are slugs, ha!

  3. Our snails are all frozen now or lurking well down deep in the ground until it warms up :)

  4. No eating and running there ;-) Slow going.

  5. Great pictures, but if I saw a snail that size I would either scream or faint! I only have small slugs, but lots of them and they do *a lot* of damage to new growth. They can chew my hostas down to nothing in one night. :( Rebecca

  6. Ah, once upon a time, I had to go out at night and hunt for this to bring to school for a science experiment.

  7. Slow poke! They are gross! That one looks big! Maybe he will visit again when Bilbo gets there, and the snail can take Bilbo for a ride! How funny you ended up getting him! You were out of town when he went to Sweden, and low and he is coming for a visit. I know he is glad. He has been cold for a month, and now he can come visit you and warm up!

  8. You are being so kind in letting this snail pass so quietly though your garden.
    The first thing I would do is to find a stone and smash them up. Had once seen this big sized one once and had threw it into a drain.
    Slugs & snails are common in my garden during rainy days. Im still trying to keep them under control. No matter how many I had killed, they still keep coming.

  9. Hmmm, snails do very well in my garden. Your photos have given me a new perspective. I will have to think about the world from a snail's point of view.

  10. Cute little snail enjoying your garden... maybe not for long he he... Have a great day Bangchik & Kakdah!

  11. You make the snail look so innocent, we gardener's know better though. I hear Bilbo is going to visit you soon.. We already hosted him, he is so much fun!!

  12. Thanks everyone.

    haha... the snail is so innocent, especially when we sit and watch the little fella crawl and crawl. We claim absolute right to this garden. No.., for zillion of years, snails and others have been putting everything under control, biological way.

  13. What great shots. He looks almost....sweet! We have slugs in our garden. They look a lot like this, but with no shell and they really damage the veggies. Yours is much cuter.

  14. JGH...
    I am not too sure, if that is a He, could be a She too. I wouldn't know how to check!.. I agree, it does look cute for a snail.... ~bangchik

  15. Wow, what a big snail! When I saw the first photo I thought it was a turtle!

  16. GREEN IRIS..
    hello.., a turtle?.. a miniature one i suppose. Yea in a way like turtle too, carrying shells where ever they go...


  17. Luckily there aren't plenty in my garden. There's a certin wall where they climb and leave their 'poo'!!! So up goes my broom to dislodge them!!

  18. KEATS,

    They do that too in my garden. Kakdah will do whats necessary... I think they like to climb up when its too wet out there.

