Tuesday, January 5, 2010

So lengkuas has to be dug out and cut.

lengkuas rhizome in the soil

a knife to dig and cut

so fresh

lemon grass

all in

Call it whatever we like. Lengkuas, galanga, blue ginger, or  lam keong . It tastes the same... citrusy, earthy aroma with a hint of pine and soap in the flavour.

That day..., sunday morning...., Kakdah required lengkuas and serai for her rare and special menu. The boys were all home. They knew, Kakdah will always come up with her best menu. So I had to step into the garden and dug  and cut a little bit of the rhizome of lengkuas. The cut piece is a shoot and the flesh is watery and delicious looking. She needs serai or lemon grass as well......

~bangchik and kakdah
PUTRAJAYA, MALAYSIA                                                                                                                        


  1. Yet another thing that doesn't grow here, so I enjoyed seeing yours. I could almost smell the aroma from your description!

  2. I love lemon grass. I always enjoy seeing the edible plants you grow.

  3. Looks and sounds absolutely delicious!

  4. I wonder when it will be a good time to plant lemon grass here in California. Looks delicious! I could defiantly enjoy a good cup of tea and fresh lemon grass.

  5. Oooohhhh......do we get to see a photo of the finished product?

  6. I wonder how does lengkuas flowers look like.

  7. She's so lucky to have someone like you around.

  8. Freshnyer, apa Kakdah masak hari ni, sedapnye bau :)

  9. This is making me hunger for some Tom Yum soup or some other Asian soup with galanga. I don't think I really know what that taste is by itself, but I do know that some of my favorites dishes contain it. I should try it on it's own.

  10. So what did Kakdah cook? Is Kakdah Kakak in Sarawak?

    I miss my galanah and serai.

  11. I seldom use this kind of ginger he he... But I use the normal ginger a lot :-D

  12. It looks delicious! Although I have no idea what it tastes like. I can only imagine.

  13. Yes, the fame of galangal has spread far and wide, even to Hong Kong where celebrities chefs are using it. We call it nam keong, meaning blue ginger and also south ginger.

  14. Jodi
    Pam's English Garden
    Kim and Victoria
    Ocean Girl - Lisa
    Autumn Belle

    Many thanks to you comments on the post. Yes, not all edible part stay above the ground, like leaves and fruits. Some are hidden beneath the ground surface and has to dug out. I cant come up with better description of lengkuas or galanga taste.... but tasting is believing....

    That day, Kakdah came up with "ayam percik", a menu made famous by Kelantanese... and well accepted by many as rare and exquisite. It's truly tasty!! Yeah.., once a while, I may just have to turn this blog into "cookbook".

    To Ann's question..., Kakdah stays here in Putrajaya, but my own elder brother, I normally refer to as "Bangmat" stays in Sarawak for many many years. The whole family is still there.

    Putrajaya, Malaysia
