Sunday, February 7, 2010

a glimpse of golden hope.




 A day is about to end when the sun slides down beyond the houses and trees.The day usually ends with rainfall, but not today. It's fairly dry and the sky is blue clear with patches of clouds. The photos were taken from our front balcony. The weather is punctuated  intermittently by rainfalls. With less rains, working in the garden is easy and fun. Little seedlings are waiting for this weather, very much drier with less rain. But then, gardeners like me will have to pull out water hose, to ease the hunger. At the end, the hose will be coiled up and put aside to complete the day accompanying the retreat of a golden sun....

How's your sunset?.... Is there any ray of hope there?..

Putrajaya, Malaysia.


  1. Beautiful! I love sunsets, and I never get tired of seeing pictures of them :D Every sunset brings anticipation of tomorrow for me!

  2. Your sky and sunset are so beautiful. We are expecting rain today, which is good because we need the rain. But, there will be no sunset tonight...

  3. Beautiful skies Bangchik! The clouds textures and movements add so much to the rays of setting sun. It is still too early here... and Yeah!! for the sun is setting later each day! That is hopeful towards springs return. I love your words! Carol

  4. A red wintery sunset always cheers the soul - time to go home and snuggle up on the sofa. However, I'm looking forward to those evenings when the sunset doesn't happen until really late, not before dinner time.

  5. Amazing sky photo !
    Love all the colors.

  6. Beautiful sunset! We have had lots of rain here. I'm hoping tomorrow will be a drier day.

  7. Bangchik, We had a gorgeous deep red and violet sunset here tonight. There's an old saying here that goes, "Red sky at morning, sailors take warning; red sky at night, sailors' delight." So it should be a beautiful day tomorrow. -Jean

  8. You are lucky to have such a beautiful sky view.

    I got some chilli plants from friends, and jaga them well.

  9. What a beautiful sunset. I'm waiting for the rain to stop so that I can get sowing my seeds.

  10. There's always a ray of hope somewhere ... just look for it!

  11. Hi Bangchik I would love to be able to see a sunset just now as I have never taken any photos yet of sunsets and its something I would like to do - we've dark clouds here. My husband is is into astromony and there are some great sun spots he wants to see just now....... only we can't see the sun.

    You would be so shocked if you saw my soil, heavy and wet and puddles sitting all over it. Looking forward to those warm rays of sunshine soon.

  12. Dear Bangchik, As so very often, you reward us with some wonderful pictures.

  13. Beautiful sky photos Bangchik! Our skies are sunny, though cold, and hopeful with the promise of spring in a few weeks.

  14. Blogging friends, thanks for the comments. Sunset is short, and the golden sky doesn't last long. But it is long enough to give a glimpse of hope on days to come.

    The view from our balcony is clear enough for me view and snap a few shots. I am just being lucky.

