Saturday, March 13, 2010

Container gardening as days gone by

two containers




We do have a lot of pots, the old ones and the recently bought ones.
 There is real difficulty in getting the right position with adequate sun exposure. I spread them to various locations along side the house, front and back porch. These pots are at the dry yard, where Kakdah hangs her laundry. These veggies are exposed to the sun for about 4 hours everyday around midday, before the sun path curves beyond the roof.

The plants are growing. 
Watering is done only once every morning...




  1. There is a problem when we are busy and forget the watering jobs. A few plants in pot are forever no more lively during these very dry days.

  2. your containers look so beautiful- I need to purchase more pots like those.. I love the natural feel to them

  3. Dear Bangchik, Your pots look remarkably healthy. They are indeed hard work as they do dry out so very quickly in the summer's heat.

  4. They do look good. Containers are great when you don't have enough sun in the garden area!

  5. they look great! i just planted my veggies yesterday!

  6. Is this sawi bunga? Looks good, I believe the soil mixture with 'baja organik' and regular watering make the difference.

  7. rainfield61 ~ Forgetting I guess comes with age Rainnie. Going away for the weekends too require some adjustment. The pot has to be placed somewhere shady while we are away. There are other other techniques I heard that suck water through capillary actions to maintain the dampness.

    Pooka ~ You are right Pooka..., they are beautiful on their own. Lets see what are you going to buy.

    Edith Hope ~ I place them alongside the house.., they don't really get direct sunlight, that reduce the drying effect.


  8. Jeanne ~ I in fact do container gardening to reduce sun exposure and to avoid damage inflicted by heavy rainfall.

    Dirty Girl Gardening ~ Oh great, nice to know that you have started planting. Soon we can compare notes.

    Keringat ~ Thanks for the visit and comment. The bushy one is spinach, we love to pick them young... rangup!. The other one is sawi taiwan.., that's what it says on the seeds packet. Yeap "baja organic" both pellets and liquid spray.


  9. I used to use containers for all my veggie growing before I got the allotment. It's amazing how some plants will grow in containers, for instance, I used to grow things such as sweetcorn and runner beans. I didn't know if they would grow successfully or not, but gave it a go anyway, and they thrived.

  10. Jo ~ Oh, the extent of container gardening even sweetcorn can be tried. For the moment, ours are all leafy veggies, chili, herbs and tomatoes. But the rule remains, the bigger plants require bigger pots.


  11. MM.. great idea... I want to try my luck on this.. ^_^

  12. Hi I just recently started gardening and i would really love to plant and grow my own vegetables. Unfortunately i live in a condo with only 3 hours of mid day sun (3pm - 6pm). I currently use my little aircon ledge (without the aircon) which is directly outside my living room window. What sort of vegetables do you think I can plant with my condition? :)
