Wednesday, March 31, 2010

WORDLESS WEDNESDAY ~ three is a number.


Putrajaya, Malaysia


  1. I can smell them! Green tomatoes have a special smell. Great photo.

  2. Love this photo Bangchik! But I envy your tomatoes... when ripen... I am sure the bite of fresh tomatoes is going to so delightful and satisfying.

  3. Mine are still tiny plants, but your's will be red and ripe in no time.

  4. We haven't even started tomato plants yet and you already have some tomatoes forming! Too bad there is no smell-o-vision on the internet. I love the way tomato plants smell.

  5. Ah, the scent and flavor, beautiful.

  6. pamsenglishgarden ~ Thanks Pam, yes, green tomatoes smell good and refreshing. and the leaves too.

    Stephanie ~ Thanks for liking the photo. It is an effort to view little things like tomato in a beautiful and exotic angle... haha. They will ripen soon....

    Jo ~ yes Jo, our Spring (which we never had) is always earlier than yours. When ours are done, I can visit your blog to rekindle the nostalgia.

    Kara ~ I hope one day, internet will be so advanced that smell can travel far through fiber optic. Tomato always smell good!

    Poetic Shutterbug ~ you are not alone in thinking about beautiful smell of tomato. Very lasting!!

    Putrajaya Malaysia
