Wednesday, March 24, 2010

WORDLESS WEDNESDAY ~ where do they come from?


Putrajaya, Malaysia


  1. Weeds can be beautiful just like people, all are different and all have something of value to offer. Love your photos

  2. What an interesting question. I think mine come from my neighbor's garden ;-)

  3. Lovely weeds -- although I know we gardeners see them through dark glasses and biased eyes. :)

  4. I think weeds come from weedtopia. jim

  5. Weeds like all plants can come from seeds... or cuttings, tiny pieces of root... etc. ... they are very clever and do not acknowledge our words for them... grow where they like. There are good essential "weeds" and horrid "weeds". ;>)

  6. Your pics are wonderful Bangchik! Happy Wednesday!

  7. Sneaky, aren't they? but you've managed to make them look pretty and almost...welcome!

  8. Poetic Shutterbug ~ I love the way weeds handle themselves, they survive, they travel far, and they do have a mechanism to fool pests.

    Noelle ~ they probably come from neighbour's plot, and vice-versa.

    Meredith ~ Before we get out of the house, we have preconceived idea what to see and do in the garden. Weeds are meant to be pulled out, hence the word weeding!


  9. Jim Groble ~ I suppose so Jim.., and Weedtopia keep on sending migrants for zillion of years.

    Carol ~ thanks carol. A blogger once said in this blog that veggies were once weeds and now feed the world. Veggies after being tamed and domesticated, somehow lost the skills to fool pests.

    Stephanie ~ thanks for encouraging comments about my photographs. Somehow I manage to synchronize the eyes and the fingers to view and snap! .. haha.

    JGH ~ they are sneaky, as sneaky as the squirrels when they are allowed to run free... We set a portion of the garden to allow weeds to appear. Its fun to watch their instincts.

  10. There are plenty of weeds in my garden and on my allotment, but some can be really pretty. As the saying goes, a weed is a flower in the wrong place.

  11. Jo ~ A nice way to treat weeds, as flowers in the wrong place.

