Saturday, July 10, 2010

Banana pairing and growing

a pair of banana
variety: pisang tanduk
(notice bitter gourds on the left)

It was almost four months since I last did a post on banana [28 february 2010 Banana seedlings, another attempt.] The pair was then tiny little seedlings without leaves. Now they are happy with leaves and stems of strong plants. Banana plants love wet soil and heavy with humus. So I conveniently place dead leaves as composting material close to these plants. The compost heaps serve two purposes, first as constant supply of humus and the other as a cooling agent. I am quite sure the roots are happy with composting heap on top of them.
When they grow this big, I stop putting fertilizer . I suppose it is okey, because their long and steady roots should be able to search for their own nutrient and water.

If everything goes well, 
there should be long and 
big banana hanging by the end of the year.
That should be a lovely sight 
and definitely a tropical delight!



  1. Very nice, congratulations. I will look forward to a picture of your first fruit. After the cold winter we had I thought I had lost my hardy bananas but they are all up and doing very nicely, unfortunately they will never produce fruit.

  2. Hey these guys grow faster than I thought. Pisang tanduk is nice la. Oh, the big leaves may serve as wind breaker for your other plants ;-)

  3. Wow, you've grown them from seeds! I bought a new plant a while ago and I hope there will be bananas to harvest next year / gittan

  4. Doc ~ The banana plants are on the right course. Judging by the height, the flowers are expected to appear by the end of the years. I am sorry about banana in your place...

    Stephanie ~ Because I have been seeing the two plants almost everyday, I don't really feel that they are growing. Comparing the present photo with the first post on these banana, I myself feel quite amazed.

    Aaron. ~ You are right, the sweet pisang tanduk wouldn't last long once they ripen. Put in them in deep freeze, could be a choice.


  5. Gittan. ~ I dont grow them from seeds but seedlings, the little babies. Once your banana start bearing fruits, we can compare notes..


  6. Wow! They are so big compared to the little stumps!! Great job!

  7. Melissa ~ Within four months, they really grow...

  8. Can't wait to see the photos of you crop at the end of the year!!

  9. the blooming tales~ I am sure the plants will bloom judging by the healthy general look of them.
