Monday, July 5, 2010

Breakfast with our first Cucumber

cucumber, pandan leaves, lemon grass and ginger
all from the little vegetable garden

another view

another view

still another view

still another view

cucumber sliced.

Nasi Lemak.
rice, slices of cucumber, boiled egg, ikan bilis, and sambal.

and a cup of coffee to flush it down.

That is the first cucumber from the two plant.
It ends on breakfast table as add-on for local delicacy nasi lemak.
I can see new baby cucumbers on the trellis,
and there will be more nasi lemak for breakfast later....

Click these for more info about nasi lemak
Norlia: Recipe for Nasi Lemak 
Malaysian food: Nasi Lemak recipe on
Kuali: Nasi Lemak - The Star Online - Kuali, Malaysia Recipes  

Happy Gardening


  1. The cucumber looks tasty! Mine got eaten by slugs before it even had a chance to blossom :-(

    I could not get ginger started at all but have had great success with lemon grass, which I keep in a pot so it doesn't take over my garden. It looks more like an ornamental grass than the lemon grass I used to buy to cook with!

    Yours looks great...well done.

  2. That looks really good. There is nothing like having fresh from the garden veggies.


  3. The cucumber looks delicious. I would very much enjoy rice & cucumber for breakfast.

  4. I notice that you've peeled your cucumber - don't you eat the skin?

  5. I stupidly forgot to get cucumber seeds this year and shop bought ones don't taste so good so I am very envious of yours Bangchik

  6. I am finding out what a joy it is to have my own fresh tomatoes from the garden to the table. You have a wide variety of vegetables that always look wonderful.

  7. mmm... best nye... bila la pokok timun Maria ni nak berbuah ?... rasa macam lambat sungguh!

  8. Your presentation of the meal is delightful. There is nothing better than eating fresh picked produce from the garden!

  9. hmmmm salivating!my fav is nasi lemak ayam berempah wth cucumber fresh from the fridge.yummy!

  10. What a yummy breakfast! Love fresh cucumber.

  11. Well, I can grow cucumbers and lemongrass.. but not sure about ginger or pandan leaf. I might give ginger a go in my greenhouse next year.

  12. Yummy breakfast with vege direct from garden! That's cool!

  13. I wish I could grow ginger. I have a piece from the store that looks like a bud is forming. I think I will try putting it in a pot out on my bedroom deck where I can keep an eye on it. I lived in California and we had beautiful ginger plants with heavenly scented flowers.

  14. Thanks everyone for the visits and
    comments. Fresh from the garden is
    gardeners delight. I hope your garden
    Thrive and produce good vegetables and
    Fruits. -bangchik

  15. A very healthy breaking indeed. It beats poptarts anyday.

  16. Rosey... It sure fill up our tummies and keep the limbs energetic for the whole day... and mind too!
