Thursday, July 22, 2010

A day of Sunflowers.

Four little seedlings on the vegetable bed.

Three sunflower seedlings lining up the pots
(the little one on the right need to be pulled out)

a stretch of four sunflower seedlings

another three little seedlings

nine of them here, where the old papaya used to tower mighty high.
Those on the right are slightly older.

three mature plants.
One is blooming and the other two are waiting for their turn.

sunflower in a pot
the younger plant

sunflower sharing the same pot.
the older plant.

It comes from the plant on vegetable bed,
the earliest to bloom.

I did try to spread sunflowers all over the garden..., but I can never have that sea of sunflowers as shared by Garden ShootsAcres of Sunflowers . But I do have the choice of seeing sunflower blooming on a continuous basis, one after another.

How's your sunflowers?
(Bagaimana bunga matahari anda?)



  1. What lovely babies you have. Your borders are always so tidy and interesting.

  2. How exciting and they look so cheerful and pretty.

  3. You timed them perfectly. I love sunflowers and they are my favorite bloom this summer. I will have to remember to time mine, so I will always see some bloom. Good post!

  4. I can wait to see these grow up! What a pretty idea! Love the ones that will grow in front of the pots...

  5. Sunflowers are beautiful. I have planted a row of sunflowers before and when they flower, its's a whole row of sunshine! That was ages ago. Seeing yours, I think I should start again, this time in pots! Hope you have large blooms!

  6. You sure will have a vibrant garden! The school my 5 year old will go to in September had a really cute idea. During their orientation in June, they gave each kid a little pot and a sunflower seed to plant and said that when the flower grows up, it's time to go to Kindergarten.

  7. I have enjoyed growing sunflowers for the first time this year. Right now, my flowerheads are drying :-)

  8. Oh wow sunflowers all over... how nice! Neat job Bangchik :-D I love the fact you can plant them into the ground. You can expect huge flowers! I am sure it's going to be wonderful sight to behold later.

  9. Nice sunflowers. Are they many bees buzzing around?

  10. WE have lots of self sown sunfloers growing on our plots - the bees love them and we do too

  11. ~Rebecca
    With portable electrical lawn mower, I can cut right to the edge... Thus the border looks neater.

    They cheer up everybody... gardener and onlookers.

    The approach is to have continuous supply of sunflowers all over the garden. New plants will be introduced every month.

    In our climate, they can be grown anytime. Those in front of the pots will bend a little bit I think.

    ~Kitchen flavours.
    lets paint the garden yellow, again and again.

  12. ~Wendy
    It is sweet to introduce plants to kindergarden. They will pick up early and last.

    Oh, birds will come to taste the seeds. Here birds don't bother much.

    The last growing season, only 3 plants emerge tall, beyond my head. The rest are dwarf standard, 3 feet or so.

    Perennials give quick results, veggies even quicker... haha. Nice to see large yellow flowers.

    Not many bees . But they do come and sniff around.

    ~Green Lane Allotments
    No self seeding. because I collect all seeds, and plant where I want.


  13. Sunflowers are such the ultimate summer flower, aren't they? So pretty. Ours are blooming now, left alone in the veg garden.

  14. I love it when sunflowers re-seed and also when the birds and bees visit them. They are kind of out of control in my garden. I have to constantly yank out the sunflowers as they have spread quite a lot.

  15. Kim and Victoria,
    .. Being large and obvious, sunflowers are prominent feature of any garden. Here, sunflower has not attained the self seeding status yet, in the league of zinnia, celosia, basil and spinach.
