Saturday, July 17, 2010

Inducing new fresh shoots

 fresh shoots
Kakdah wanted asin-asin shoots for her regular masak lemak ubi keledek. I pruned all of them for the shoots. Fertilizer was immediately added after some heavy fluffing of the soil.  Common sense will say that after pruning, plants are expected to work hard and produce new shoots as quick as they possibly can. Adding fertilizer will help I guess....

a week after pruning

10 days after pruning



  1. Looking fresh! Isn't it the best when you want your garden to do something and it does!!

  2. hi Bangchik, you certainly have a good intuitive understanding of plants...

  3. Melissa..... Man and plants have been together for a long time. It is long enough to understand each other.. haha..

    Hazeltree..... Vice versa, plants too respond to our needs and requests.

    Aaroon...... new shoots, new buds, new flowers, new fruits are all tonics in the garden. they regulate our enthusiasm.

    Cheers, have a great weekend.

  4. Fasinating- I enjoy reading about your vegie crop, which is quite different from ours. Can Kakdah share some recipes? :)

  5. _vTg_
    I may have to persuade kakdah to write about her authentic recipe.... haha..

  6. kunjunganku di blog ini suatu keuntungan menemukan artikel yang kualitas, memberi image yang baik untuk pengunjungnya? salam sukses :)
