Tuesday, July 27, 2010

They started off the same time.

lady's finger
also known as Okra, or Bendi (Bahasa Malaysia)

lady's finger flowering.

roselle, still waiting
I am sure you can see a part of the twining plant kacang kelisa 
or kacang botol or winged bean. Roselle plants are very close to winged beans trellis. 
A branch is adventurous enough to stray and find roselle.

I did a post earlier about the confusion while transplanting them on vegetable bed [click here: Roselle with lady's fingers in the middle]. They look awfully similar at the early age. Having them in a row, lady's finger in the middle flanked by roselle on both sides, makes them even more identical, to the point that even Kakdah didn't realise there is lady's finger in the middle until the day lady's finger sprouts nice flashy yellow bloom.
So Lady's Finger chooses to be the first to produce flowers and fruits.
Roselle plants  are waiting for the right moment to show off their lovely flowers. I guess Roselle is planning a real big surprise.



  1. the lovely yellow flower is looking very similar to a hibiscus flower...

  2. Hi, I've tried to grow Okra and failed, didn't seem to grow past a few inches high. Yours looks great.

  3. Bangchik, You have inspired me to get okra and pak choy seeds with your regular updates.

    I just noticed my blog link in your blog. Thanks for the link. I am still learning...

  4. ~P3chandan
    Almost similar to hibiscus, and in fact very much related to roselle.

    Sorry to hear about okra in your garden. Okra needs space for roots and foliage. Generally not a difficult one to grow here. Good luck to your future okra.

    I am glad if my posts inspire you somehow. it would be nice too see people getting on with growing vegetable.


  5. Lots of edibles have lovely flowers don't they?- They'd be just as 'at home' in an ornamental garden.

  6. You growing the small/short ones or the long Taiwanese ones. Funny, you are the seond person I commented on Okra. Must be craving for it. here we get not the fresh ones imported from Fiji/

    I refuse to buy them after I planted the best ones in Sinagpore. The Taiwanese ones, 8 to 10 inches long.

  7. that flower is gorgeous! love the combination of cream with matte black/brown. it would make for beautiful wallpaper.. or sheets for a bedroom.

  8. ~Green lane allotment.
    Vegetables do have pretty flowers. Some are harvested for their greens, even before flowers have a chance to appear.

    We can wait a while for okra to grow long in a matter of days, but they will lose the cruchiness and softness. I would rather pick them young and short. Are you really craving?

    Yes, beautiful. Always pale yellow. I have not seen okra with other colours.

    ~dirty girl gardening
    The softness of okra flower can be a source for decoration. But in real life, the flower will last only for a day.


  9. Hi Bangchik, can I get some advice on okra growing from you?

    My okra plants grow leaves and produce the okra only on the TOP part of the plant. I have seen some plants, similar to yours, where the plants have leaves all over from top to the middle part of the stalk. Okra will be produced from various parts of the stalk. How can I get my okra growing that way?

    I have also seen some who trim the stalk of their okra. Any reason for it? Is it to stop it from growing taller?

    Looking forward to your advices.

  10. JC.
    Plants generally will grow well when the soil is good, water drains well, adequate fertilizer, and the space for the plant to grow. I remember putting an okra plant between chili and forgot about it, then it really grew as a poor atunted tiny plant, with a fruit at the top. About cutting the middle stem to allow side branches to grow and produce fruits, yes I have tried that before. But the general health of the plant was already declining by then.. There is no real big surprise by trimming the middle stem.
    I hope the brief note helps.

  11. Hi Bangchik, I didn't realize lady's finger had such a gorgeous flower. I wonder if you can eat the flower - like zucchini?

  12. Catmint
    the flower is sweet, pale yellow, but it flashes it's beauty just for a day.

  13. I also raise okra and some beautiful flowers have been shown lately.
    Okra is very popular vegetable in Japan.
    We slice them and toss them in a bowl adding soysauce vinegar.

  14. takaeko
    Okra flower is exquisite, pale yellow and yet stunning. Kakdah always put a few okra uncut, into her curry.
