Wednesday, August 18, 2010

POETIC WEDNESDAY: the day for marigolds

the little sea of marigolds.
Ulam raja can be seen towering high on the left.

The Marigold
  When with a serious musing I behold
The grateful and obsequious marigold,
How duly, ev'ry morning, she displays
Her open breast, when Titan spreads his rays;
How she observes him in his daily walk,
Still bending towards him her tender stalk;
How, when he down declines, she droops and mourns,
Bedew'd, as 'twere, with tears, till he returns;
And how she veils her flow'rs when he is gone,
As if she scorned to be looked on
By an inferior eye, or did contemn
To wait upon a meaner light than him;
When this I meditate, methinks the flowers
Have spirits far more generous than ours,
And give us fair examples to despise
The servile fawnings and idolatries
Wherewith we court these earthly things below,
Which merit not the service we bestow.

But, O my God! though groveling I appear
Upon the ground (and have a rooting here
Which hales me downward) yet in my desire
To that which is above me I aspire;
And all my best affections I profess
To Him that is the sun of righteousness.
Oh, keep the morning of His incarnation,
The burning noontide of His bitter passion,
The night of His descending, and the height
Of His ascension ever in my sight,
That imitating Him in what I may,
I never follow an inferior way. 

by George Wither (1588-1667)

bangchik, Putrajaya Malaysia


  1. Your marigolds are indeed lush and lovely! What a lovely poem! Marigolds are indeed the 'sun' lovely blooms!

  2. I'd say that's marigolds by yards, plentiful and lush! Read somewhere that Marigolds are great in warding off unwanted pests in the garden.

    Befitting poem for Wednesday and I hope marigolds will unveil their blooms again, not for the sun, but for you and Kak Dah this day.

  3. Marigolds for me are my "au natural pesticide" Lovely macros too.

  4. What a beautiful progression of these marigold flowers. Thanks for sharing these pictures with us!

  5. These Marigolds looking so lush!
    Nice poem! Hope the marigolds bloom as much as possible to cheer up your garden!

  6. A child would love to play hide and seek there;)

  7. ~kitchen flavours
    Thanks, marigolds will look lush early during blooming stage. When they have enough of the extravaganza, leaves will turn yellowish and the plants weaken for nature to take its own course.

    They will keep flowering and holding on to it for quite sometime. We are quite accustomed to their habitual unveiling of blooms and beauty.... sweet gesture on their part....

    "au natural pesticide"... yes. But snails and slugs keep coming back for the shoots...

    The beauty is mystical at every stage..

    From past experience, marigolds seem to flower forever, then suddenly we realise they stop, become weak and die.

    Nice hideout for children within the sweet aroma of marigolds...

    Its only when we have many of them, we begin to appreciate their luxurious beauty...

    Cheers, Have a nice day.
    ~bangchik and kakdah
    Putrajaya Malaysia

  8. ~CathJ
    Yes, most flowers are pretty. Marigolds has unusual yellowish orange colour to be proud about...
    Cheers ~bangchik

  9. Lovely Marigolds, Bangchik! The blooms can really cheer ones up with its bright yellow colour. I love Marigolds.
