Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Yellowing of leaves.

It is not necessarily a pest or disease issue that a plant foliage turns yellow. These disorders may be caused by environmental factors which includes too much scorching sun and lack of nutrients. But there is another natural factor that plants had to go through, AGING PROCESS. A plant, come to a time, will have to go. Our bitter gourd plants are going through just that. The whole plants, foliage and all are yellowing, new leaves getting a lot smaller, a few gourds are still dangling, probably the last. The two plants have been doing well, producing exotic fruits again and again. But now is time to go.

 The whole bittergourd plant is yellowing.

Soon the site will be allowed to rest for a while, first to allow a few periwinkle to establish themselves and a few winged beans probably as ground cover to reestablish the nitrogen prowess of the soil. But again a plan may change....



  1. Hi,bangchik

    My tomato trees, which were planted 3 months ago and gave us red,fresh and delicious fruits, have been seen tired and aged with less green and brisk leaves.
    The symptom signs the end of summer vegetables such as tomatoes,egg-plants,and cucumbers and so on.

    I determined to pick them up out of the ground and to prepare planting Chinese cabbages there in a few days.

  2. ~Takaeko.
    We have to come to term with nature, about plants having certain life-span. They come and go...
    So are now planning for cabbages. Good luck. We tried cabbage before, the four seedlings grew and survived to the end giving us wonderful harvest. The eventual cabbage heads were not big but enough to make everyone happy.

  3. Yes, the natural cycle of the garden. Everything, even the soil, needs a rest!

  4. Yes, they are getting yellow, we are getting grey...

  5. Kimberly
    A rest for the soil, a brief breather to get ready for tasks ahead, allowing old roots to decompose, and worms to create more tunnels to aerate the soil mass.

    We can for dye, to camourflage aging, but plants succumb to eventuality with nothing to hide... Either way, its ok.

    .... Cheers, bangchik.

  6. So true, just like us they need to be refreshed.

  7. Poetic.
    A rest, a holiday, a vacation to refresh, and to rewind. ...bangchik

  8. I guess its the nature's way of completing its life cycle.
    Thanks for dropping by and your comment.

  9. James.
    What's perpetual is Life goes on.

  10. Oh yes. My Mexican cuphea turned yellow due to the heat when I was away last weekend. The sad thing is that at this time, the flowers are flourishing and now I probably need to prune the bush as a lot of leaves have turned yellow ;-(

  11. Steph.
    hot chilly exhibits similar character. Old leaves will turn yellow and fall and the new shoots come out... Yellowing with chilly is not about plants getting old and dying...

  12. The plants are just like us human.

  13. JC
    in a way yes, we live and we die..,

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Aaron.
    sunflower is prolific. They grow quick and end will exciting flowers. Then the seeds continue the legacy. Like a perpetual relay, batons being passed.. ...bangchik.

  16. Thank you for the info..

    my hibiscus tree (big size flower) almost bald.. all the leaves turning yellow and dropping.. but I can see small new leaves coming out.. is it season? or weather...

  17. Cathy..
    rubber trees, will shed leaves in dry season, almost naked to their branches. Latex will be little during such time. Then rubber trees spring back into action, with healthy green shoots and latex flow into their veins. This decidous characteristics probably appear in little plants like hibiscus too.. Bangchik
