Wednesday, September 8, 2010

So radish offers me seeds

I was reading about blessings that come across the street in Kelly's blog at the end of August in Can you feel it? Now this is about radish, that has been with us for months ever since Gittan introduced it here in Putrajaya  early this year. Growing new veggie always comes in with expectations and adrenalin running high. We are done with the enthusiasm to see if the plant can grow here, how to cook and so on.

I have been waiting with this. It is about blessings not in form of seed packets from the supermarket but to actually see seed pods on a single radish plant.

I can see 3 seeds developing in the pod on the left

the little pods on the right are empty I think.

radish were still small, April this year.

After 5 months one plant continues to maturity, producing seeds, while the rest were taken young for their lovely bulb and some died along the way. I may just wait a while longer until the seed pod turns brown and about to split open.

on radish


  1. I planted an entire bed of radish this year to no avail. It became too hot too quickly and they never did more then pop their heads above the ground for a bit. Disappointing as we like radish in our salads. If they had grown, they would have surely been to hot to the taste to enjoy though, sigh…

  2. Lovely seed pod, what a lovely present from the plant.

  3. Bangchik, Congratulations on your radish producing seeds. This is an early blessing, a reward just in time for Hari Raya!

  4. Now there is something that needs to go in my veggie garden next year. I don't know why I always neglect to plant radishes. I like them in salads (like Skeeter) or sprinkled with a bit of salt.

    Christine in Alaska

  5. Now Putrajaya will have another batch of radish!
    Selamat Hari Raya to you and Kakdah!

  6. They will reward you with more seeds with the other seed pods. Caterpillar seems to have a liking with our radish. All the leaves are mostly gone.

  7. Bangchik, Those seed pods are a blessing indeed for gardeners like us. :) Congrats!!!

  8. Seed pods on radishes ~ that's interesting Bang Chik. That will bring the next descendants of radishes into your garden!

    Selamat Hari Raya to both you and Kak Dah! May you all have a blessed and joyous celebration.

  9. I have never seen a radish go to seed before. Lovely pictures!

  10. Hi Bangchik - nice to catch up with you again, sorry it's been so long!

    I had an amazing radish crop this year and ended up pickling lots using a recipe from Thomas at 'A Growing Tradition' - they were fantastic! :)

  11. Really nice! Did you know that ever since I read from JC about her radish plants, I have been looking round for the seeds. I couldn't find any! And I just found out my sister is looking for them too! I guess, radish-craze is on the roll! Anyway, I'm in no hurry, will grow them when I find the seeds! Your plants look fabulous and thanks for the picture of the pods, never seen them before!

  12. This is really amazing task: Gardening vegetables. Long ago my father used to do gardening on a nearby plot. We used to plant a lot of vegetables such cucumber, lettuce, cabbage and we even used to get a lot of customers. Unfortunately we do not have enough space in my courtyard. But really I would encourage you to continue on with your passion. All the best
