Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Oregano against the wall





Puan Jamilah lost her husband recently. She is a keen gardener and loves to walk along the pedestrian walkway early in the morning during weekends. We were at the front one day, I was mowing the lawn and kakdah was spraying her treasured orchids. She stopped and chatted a while with Kakdah. I couldn't hear what they were talking and then she went off. Within minutes she hurried back with cuttings of a plant she called Oregano...

After a month or so, the cuttings develop into well defined bushy plant in a container. The green leaves are almost yellow...

So far Kakdah hasn't tried oregano in her cooking



  1. lovely plants...I've never used fresh oregano...would like to hear how it tastes when you use it!

  2. Kakdah should try! Although I had never used fresh oregano either. The plant is so pretty, the green is lovely. May Allah rewards Puan Jamilah for her wonderful gift to her lovely neighbours.

  3. bang chick..your picture of oregano mak me a little bit confuse..i al so have oregano plant but it looks tottaly different from yours.Or maybe there's more than one type of oregano out there?

  4. Your oregano looks very healthy. It said to treat people who cough.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi Bangchik, sounds like you live in a good caring community. I use it in cooking but very sparingly because it is very strong. cheers, catmint

  7. That's good healthy looking oregano Bangchick.
    The best way to use it is to chop or tear it into small pieces and stir it into the food just a few minutes before serving.
    It works best with tomato-based foods and is lovely when mixed with fresh basil too.
    Tell Kakdah to go for it! :)

  8. The oregano looks very healthy. I just recently added oregano to my garden, mine looks a bit different tho. I learned that they are several different varieties.
    I can't wait to try it cooking, but i have to wait for it to be a bit bigger.

  9. You will love the flavor, I always have large pots of it in the greenhouse.

  10. I love oregano. it's so easy too. In fact, my oregano started to get a little crazy this year so I planted it in the ground in a pot.

  11. Oregano smell nice and in the food it is fantastic.

  12. thanks everyone for your visits and comments. Puan Jamilah who gave oreganu cuttings is really a nice elderly person. The healthy looking oregano in our keeping highlights that kindness.

    I did search through internet looking for oregano varieties. Yes, mine is one of the many types. So Yuzie, try clicking through the internet, google pictures especially if yours match.

    Thanks for the info on how to use it in cooking. Kakdah may want to try it out one of these days. About other benefits in treating cough, thanks ONE.

    Thanks everyone, cheers, happy gardening.

    -bangchik and kakdah

  13. few weeks ago i try to find the name of this plant in google (half way) Oregano..late FIL said that this plant (pokok ati-ati) can cure cough esp for kids - few leaves wash and immerse into hot water with "gula batu", leave it one night and drink. I also added this plant into my garden..

  14. wancuyan ~ thanks for the info. It surely adds to our medical glossary.

  15. Salam.
    Dah lama tak jenguk sini. Rupanya tuan rumah dah berhijrah ke Kelantan.

    Pokok 'oregano' tu sebenarnya pokok Bangun-bangun. Ada yg panggil Ati-ati hijau. Nama omputihnya Indian Borage.
    Sila rujuk:

    I was told the leaves can be used to relief cough.

  16. Synchronous
    wslm.. selamat datang kembali. duduk tanah merah pulak, nak rasa musim tengkujuh.... haha.

    Terima kasih info tentang indian borage.... How's your garden?
