Wednesday, October 13, 2010

wordless wednesday: a pause



  1. lovely photos Bangchik, i also did not know there is a white Clitoria ternatea.

  2. bangchik
    Your tomatoes have been getting ripe and look so juicy and delicious.

  3. Bangchik, Are those red tomatoes, cherry tomatoes? Mine doesn't last very long. I wonder if yours fare better. It won't be wordless replies as well, right?

  4. Beautiful photos! Our tomatoes are going, going, almost gone. The temperatures are cooling off quickly now, and fall is in the air here.

  5. Those tomatoes look very tasty!
    and the flowers look beautiful.

  6. Thanks bloggers and gardeners. Today is without rain, it is hot. Mulberry has leaves wilting, or maybe kakdah missed watering that pot. I am not in a position to get into the garden these few days.

    Andrea~ blue is very much sought after for clitoria ternatea. White is rather rare, and someone had indicated that white is the wild version.

    Takaeko~ those ripening tomato are from the container. They looks okey. Some fruits seem to have skin broken. I thought it is the alternate scorching and rainy days that make the skin breaks. I dont know..

    One~ they are not cherry, that's for sure. Cherry is a lot smaller almost thumb-sized. Just ordinary tomato we can get from the market. haha.. it's not wordless replies.

    Aerie-el~ It should be nice to see fall coming at your place... where green changes colour to something yellowish...

    delcasmx ~ thanks, yes tomato is always juicy. The flowers displayed are clitoria ternatea, of white and blue varieties.

    Cheers, have a great day

  7. These are fantastic macro shots. Your tomatoes look so scrumptious.

  8. Your tomatoes look so juicy!
    So lovely vegetable flowers!

  9. Lovely pictures. It is getting very cool here so I have had to clear away all my tomatoes.

  10. Poetic -thanks, those are good ones, but some crack at the skin. A few bored by pests.

    Malar -those flowers belong to clitoria ternatea; white and blue.

    Easygardener -tomatoes about to end in my garden. I will soon grow them again.

    putrajaya Malaysia

  11. I've never seen a white clitoria before, so pretty.

  12. Bangchik, How are you? Are you unwell? Here is some healing energy for you.... :)

  13. Jama~ white is indeed rare, but two of my plants is white, only one is blue.

    One~ Not too well physically... haha... work schedule and target is pressing too. ya ya, i understand the healing energy.
