Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Introducing the first batch of plants into the garden

Among others, basic gardening tools, seeds, a bag of gardening soil and fertiliser were loaded into the car boot as I made the journey to the new home in Tanah Merah, Kelantan. I quickly prepared the little pots for germination of seeds. Within a week ulam raja and roselle appeared which were immediately transfered into bigger pots. They may require some conditioning first, with sun and wind, and another set of leaves before they can be transplated to the ground.

7 roselles and 9 ulam raja, at first pair of leaves.
the location is partly hidden from the sun. Soon they will be shifted to the back of the house,
where they will be exposed to longer hours of sunlight.

tanah merah, kelantan, Malaysia


  1. Yay for the new garden taking off! Such an exciting project...

  2. Hurray for a new garden taking off!

  3. Great to see your new garden in progress! Good luck with your new adventure

  4. michelle
    College Gardener

    I germinated quite a list of seeds, and as usual, roselle and ulam raja are the first to appear. The rest will follow soon.

