Friday, January 7, 2011

Learning to deal with Parsley / Daun Sup

 The bigger parsley

 young parsley at third leaf

baby parsley

Sowing parsley / daun sup seeds with other quick seeds could be disheartening. Spinach, ulam raja, sweetpeas, roselle and raddish will germinate in no time. Chili will take a bit longer. Brinjal will take its own sweet time. But Parsley will invariably be forgotten, then after 4 weeks, it will start showing some activity. Then it will take another week to show  its delicate first pair of leaves.

I have three plants in pots. The first two was brought here from Putrajaya. The  small one was sown here...Once growing, they will remain healthy as long as enough water and nutrient is given.

I tried to dig for some information about parsley. It is parsley in English, it is daun sup in Bahasa Malaysia, and for those with botanical inclination, it is   Petroselinum crispum.    Parsley types broadly divide into two: flat-leaf (variously styled single, plain, Italian, Dark Green Plain Leaf, Catalogno, or Flat Leaf) and curly. I guess, I am growing the flat-leaf type. (info:  Parsley)

Kakdah will only take a stalk at a time for her soup.....

 bangchik and kakdah
belajar tanam parsley / daun sup
Tanah Merah, Kelantan


  1. Happy new year, Bangchik!
    I don't know the type of parsley can be devided with the shapes of the leaves.
    In Japan the curley leaf one is popular, I think.

  2. For you it's time to sow, here the nature is sleeping for a few months :)

    The photo of the baby parsley is adoreable :)

    I wish you a happy new year :)

  3. We grow both types of parsley and have long rows of each on the plot we also have pots of it growing by the greenhouse in our garden to pick as we need it.

    Once the seed has germinated it grows well

  4. Always had a difficult time getting parsley to you have suggestions on the best way to do this? Parsley is so wonderfully flavorful...I'd like to try growing it in a pot/container outside on the patio. Your little plant is quite cute...look forward to seeing it full grown!

  5. Happy New Year and you know with parsley, once it does start in the garden it can be hard to stop, but beautiful to watch developing.

  6. My best luck with parsley has been when I direct sowed it outdoors while the weather was still too cold for it to germinate. I have almost 100% germination that way and end up having to thin out the plants. Not sure if your weather has a cold enough winter season for that, though? Your potted plants are very cute. :)

  7. bangchik: i've tried a few times sowing this chinese parsley but to my disappointment nothing happens. which seed brand do you use? i'm going to give it a try

  8. iri hati sungguh dgn bang chik dan kak dah... punya 'lebih' masa utk berkebun... Maria spend masa banyak utk anak2... sian pokok kat laman tak terbela... :(

  9. You are very patient... I started with two seedlings... one died and we are enjoying the other...

  10. I have tried sowing the seed before and give up after sometimes! 4 weeks? That's a long wait..... May be i should try again....

  11. Is the flat one we called it coriander leaf too? I'm so confused of the names.

  12. I forgot.....Did the postman manage to bring you the seeds?

  13. Bangchik, Im very impatient with seeds so I just plant the stumps I cut from parsley I bought from the market.Luckily they grow so well but no luck with coriander at the moment!

    1. hi p3chandan, just looking around here.
      i'd also trying to grow parsley using the same method as yours over and over but failed. it had grown for about 20cm but somehow it wilted and died. some died from overwatering it, some from small ants that ate their root, and some from water insufficient. care to share your tips? would appreciate it :)

  14. Adik-beradik umbelifiers (parsley,celery) sometimes can be temperemental sikit:). I sow during cooler weather about mid-20 degree Celcius where they pop up quickly. If they don't like the weather as you said it will take more than4 weeks and sometimes forget about them.

  15. takaeko
    Happy new year to you too. As I googled through for parsley, I realised the variety is more than what we used to see..

    Haha... baby parsley is so tiny. Let your garden sleep peaceful for a while and you can dream for beautiful flowers...

    Green Lane Allotments
    Thanks. We place the three pots at a cooler side of the veranda. Parsley seem to like it there.

    We just put a few seeds in little pots. As I said, they emerge after 4 weeks..

    Pearl Maple
    parsley is such a sweet looking herb, beautiful leaves to look at and always with deep green.

  16. Appalachian Feet
    I have grown parsley on the ground once in Putrajaya. Then it re-seed itself quite well. I cant sow them on the ground now, because rain falls everyday.

    I dont know what brand and variety, but the packet mentions Ning De Agricultural & Seeds Ltd. Sow the seeds in a pot and put it at the coolest part of the house. Sow parsley with patience... haha.. A month!

    Dengan pokok ni, curi-curi masa gitu je... bukan full time pun.

    One is enough for a family for the whole year. Take off a stalk, parsley reacts well and grow more..

    Sow parsley with patience malar. A month and it loves cooler place. Seeds belum sampai....

  17. milka
    Coriander is different. The leaves smell different and the seeds different too. Parsley has longish seeds, coriander very round.

    I tried stump before.... Ok for a week,then wilt and die.

    Malay-Kadazan girl
    Now, monsoon time is about the coolest we can get.... so parsley will play along with germination.

    Thanks everyone, have a great weekend. Your weekend is different. Our weekend in Kelantan is Friday and Saturday. Sunday is working day!!!

    ~bangchik and kakdah
    Tanah Merah, Kelantan.

  18. We are not that used to parsley that much, unlike the Malays, Thais and Chinese, so i haven't seen growing parsley. I didn't know it takes a long time to germinate. But it has lots of therapeutic use too. Is your soil also in 50kg bags, if so that 100 bags is so plenty. It really looks like you are really having a nursery, how wonderful. I love to do that too.

  19. Andrea
    Malaysia is not parsley natural home, so a month is fair.... give and take. The soil is 2 kg per bag, not 50.

  20. I have not been successful with growing parsley. I have sowed many seeds. Unfortunately only 2 grew. But they didn't survive long.

    I would love to have parsley in the backyard as I use them often in my cooking. May try growing it again as I still have half a packet of seeds.

  21. I bought a small parsley pot from AEON supermarket. They store the plant in their cold fridge. Do you know if the plant will survive if I keep it in my indoor kitchen?

    1. It's good to try..... parsley can handle slight variation in temperature.

  22. We are not that used to parsley that much, unlike the Malays, Thais and Chinese, so i haven't seen growing parsley. I didn't know it takes a long time to germinate. But it has lots of therapeutic use too. Is your soil also in 50kg bags, if so that 100 bags is so plenty. It really looks like you are really having a nursery, how wonderful. I love to do that too.

  23. Hi, I think the variety of parsley that is widely used in Malaysia is not exactly a type of parley. They are leaves of celery. Parsley has different flavor as compared to the 'daun sup' that we use in our dishes in Malaysia.

  24. Just saw your thread here. I think parsley may not be exactly the same as daun sup (soup leaf); methinks you should all check out lovage or magi plant (maggi), as it the top 'soup herb' i know. Be interested to know what everybody thinks.
